The Southpaw Postcard Collection - Hotels & Motels

These postcards about the HOTELS & MOTELS of Huntsville and Madison County are from the extensive collection of George & Peg Heeschen.

The Southpaw Postcard Collection - Hotels & Motels

Item 5 of 81 (8648)

Back: Capri Motel, Memorial Parkway on U.S. Highway 72, 231,431 North, Huntsville, Alabama, Phone Jefferson 6-7441.
New Modern, Air Conditioned, Electric Heat, Tile Baths, Tub & Shower, Telephones, Installed Music - Wall to Wall Carpet - Restaurant Nearby - Reasonable Rates. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Verburg - Owners and Managers.
Source: Pub. by Floyd Sandlin, Huntsville, AL
Tichnor Bros., Boston, Mass.
Rights: From the postcard collection of George and Peg Heeschen, The Southpaw, Huntsville, Alabama