The Southpaw Postcard Collection - Hotels & Motels

These postcards about the HOTELS & MOTELS of Huntsville and Madison County are from the extensive collection of George & Peg Heeschen.

The Southpaw Postcard Collection - Hotels & Motels

Item 12 of 81 (8655)

Front: La Carlos Motel, Huntsville, Ala., 2 Miles North of By-pass, on U. S. Highways 231 & 431.
Back: LA CARLOS MOTEL, Huntsville. Alabama. Restaurant adjoining. Co-Owned & Operated by Mr. & Mrs. L.D. Miller, Phone Jefferson 6 -2524, P. O. Address: Meridianville. Alabama.
Source: Butler Enterprises, Inc. Winston-Salem, N.C.
Rights: From the postcard collection of George and Peg Heeschen, The Southpaw, Huntsville, Alabama