Albert Lane

Artist Albert Lane is best known for his pen and ink studies of Huntsville's historic landmarks.

Albert Lane

Yeatman-Sapp Home, Adams Street

Another George Steele home built around 1825 for the Yeatman family, originally consisted of four large rooms, two hallways and three basement rooms. Some years later four large rooms were added to the north side and four smaller rooms to the rear, making an imposing structure. The home has had a succession of owners, C.T. Geron, Jac Countess and the late Dr. Donald Beck being recent ones. The present owners, Mr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Sapp, purchased the house in 1983. They are refurbishing it and adding to the gardens. Painting is by Albert Lane, 1976.

Item 20 of 21 (5963)

Source: Albert Lane
Date: 1976
Rights: Reproduced from "Twickenham Tables" published by the Twickenham Historic Preservation District Association, Inc., 1988, with the permission of THPDA and Mildred Lane.