Twickenham Tables

Twickenham Tables is a cookbook that was published by the Twickenham Historic Preservation District Association in 1988. In addition to hundreds of recipes, it contains drawings of Twickenham houses and scenes by local artists such as Lee Harless, L. Trice Hinds and Albert Lane, as well as descriptions of the houses.

Twickenham Tables

Terry-McLain Home, Echols Avenue

Built in 1927 by T.T. Terry, a grocer, this American Bungalow style home is owned by Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott McLain who have completed extensive renovations. Sketch by L. Bayless, 1984.

Item 10 of 62 (5933)

Source: L. Bayless
Date: 1984
Rights: Reproduced from "Twickenham Tables" published by the Twickenham Historic Preservation District Association, Inc., 1988.