Twickenham Tables

Twickenham Tables is a cookbook that was published by the Twickenham Historic Preservation District Association in 1988. In addition to hundreds of recipes, it contains drawings of Twickenham houses and scenes by local artists such as Lee Harless, L. Trice Hinds and Albert Lane, as well as descriptions of the houses.

Twickenham Tables

Van Valkenburgh - Johnston Home, Franklin Street

This lovely Queen Anne home was designed in 1902 by architect, Herbert Cowell, for Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Van Valkenburgh. It is most often remembered for its beautiful stained glass windows.

The spacious ballroom was the setting for many dances in the early days of the home. A large split stairway of hand-carved cherry dominates the main foyer. Of special interest are the original parquet floors in the main living area. The house features several curved walls which add to the uniqueness of the room designs.

Mr. and Mrs. David Johnston, the present owners, purchased the home in 1987 and began the task of preserving and enhancing its beauty. Among the recent improvements are the modernization of the kitchen, breakfast room and baths. The original circular drive along Williams Street has been reopened, and extensive plantings have added interest to the grounds. Art work by Lee Harless, Jr., 1985.

Item 25 of 62 (5948)

Source: Lee Harless, Jr.
Date: 1985
Rights: Reproduced from "Twickenham Tables" published by the Twickenham Historic Preservation District Association, Inc., 1988, with the permission of THPDA and the artist.