507 Adams Street SE
Renovated 1997 by Valorie Furnston, owner. - (HJAC - '97)
District: Twickenham (786)
Built: c. 1912
Location: Map ↗
District: Twickenham (786)
Built: c. 1912
Location: Map ↗
Two story frame house built during the first quarter of the twentieth century. Painted by Lee Harless, Jr. in 1978.
Item 10 of 10 (5883)
Source: Lee Harless, Jr.Date: 1978Rights: Reproduced from "Twickenham Receipts and Sketches" published by the Twickenham Historic Preservation District Association, Inc., 1978, with the permission of THPDA and the artist.
Related Links:
Twickenham Survey - Description of 507 Adams Street SE in the Twickenham Historic Register Application, Section 7, Page 7