205 Lincoln Street SE

Restored 1996 by J&H Arch - H.P.Jones for Central Presbyterian Church Music Center. Carol Ann Samples was the prime mover (of CPC). (HJAC - '97)
District: Twickenham (963)
Built: c. 1907
Sign: Freeman House 1907
Location: Map ↗
205 Lincoln Street SE


This early 20th century home, built by Mrs. Charles Gilbert, was for years the location of "Miss Alice's" first grade classroom, where lucky little folks learned reading, writing and 'rithmetic and tasted from her mother's marvelous kitchen. Pictured by Albert Lane in 1977. Mr. Lane had lived there for a time and obviously loved the house.For many years, in the season when my mother made chow-chow, all the little first graders lined up and went into the kitchen to receive the first sampling which was served on half a cracker. The recipe for the Chow-Chow can be found in the cookbook.

Alice Freeman

Item 8 of 8 (5842)

Source: Albert Lane
Date: 1977
Rights: Reproduced from "Twickenham Receipts and Sketches" published by the Twickenham Historic Preservation District Association, Inc., 1978, with the permission of THPDA and Mildred Lane.