403 Echols Avenue SE

1814 LeRoy Pope House. 1846 portico by Geo. Steele. C.1920's North addition. Restored 1978, Jones & Herrin, Arch. (HJAC - '97)
District: Twickenham (829)
Built: c. 1814
Sign: Pope 1814
Location: Map ↗
403 Echols Avenue SE

POPE-WATTS HOME, Echols Avenue

Crowning the District, this beautiful brick home was built by Leroy Pope soon after he bought most of the land that was Twickenham in 1809. In 1814 Andrew Jackson was entertained here with a lavish dinner. The glorious portico was added by George Steele for Dr. Charles Patton ca. 1842. His descendants retain it to this day. Drawn by Leon Trice Hinds in 1978.

Item 52 of 57 (5857)

Source: Leon Trice Hinds
Date: 1978
Rights: Reproduced from "Twickenham Receipts and Sketches" published by the Twickenham Historic Preservation District Association, Inc., 1978, with the permission of THPDA and the artist.