527 Franklin Street SE
Area to the right of the door is a 19th Century addition. Veranda looks c. 1880 or later. Service buildings are c. 1818. Extended gable eaves on house = Vic. Mod. (HJAC - '97)
District: Twickenham (923)
Built: c. 1818
Sign: Albert Erskine 1818
Location: Map ↗
District: Twickenham (923)
Built: c. 1818
Sign: Albert Erskine 1818
Location: Map ↗
McMAINS-KING HOMES, Franklin Street
Sketched by Lee Harless, Jr. in 1978. The early 19th century Erskine-McMains house stands side by side with the early 20th century Murphree-King house, ca. 1907.
Item 25 of 29 (5900)
Source: Lee Harless, Jr.Date: 1978Rights: Reproduced from "Twickenham Receipts and Sketches" published by the Twickenham Historic Preservation District Association, Inc., 1978, with the permission of THPDA and the artist.
Related Links:
Twickenham Survey - Description of 527 Franklin Street SE in the Twickenham Historic Register Application, Section 7, Page 63
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