205 Lowe Avenue SE

205 Lowe Avenue. Originally at West side of Franklin Street between Gates & Williams. Moved 1973 to Lowe Avenue to save from demolition for a driveway to the new bank at NE corder of Madison & Williams. Moved by Huntsville Women's Clubs Federation. total moving & renovation cost +/-$67,000. J & H Arch. (H. Jones) donated services & precipitated the idea to save it, in a talk to Woman's Club Group. Showed slide of this house "About to be demolished for driveway." (HJAC - '97)
District: Twickenham (1011)
Built: c, 1885
Sign: John Van Valkenburgh 1885
Location: Map ↗
205 Lowe Avenue SE


A 1978 sketch by Charlotte van Valkenburgh Byrd, descendant of the original owners, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred van Valkenburgh. The house, architecturally unique in this area, remained in that family in its original location on Franklin Street until the early 1970's when the Federated Women's Clubs accepted it for preservation purposes. It was moved into the Twickenham District on Lowe Avenue and is used as a meeting place and for social gatherings.

Item 7 of 7 (5843)

Source: Charlotte van Valkenburgh Byrd
Date: 1978
Rights: Reproduced from "Twickenham Receipts and Sketches" published by the Twickenham Historic Preservation District Association, Inc., 1978, with the permission of THPDA and the artist.