524 Adams Street SE

District: Twickenham (794)
Built: c. 1925
Sign: Langhorne 1925
Location: Map ↗
524 Adams Street SE

Lee Harless has captured the spirit of Adams Street in his 1977 sketch of three harmonious but dissimilar homes, the Yeatman-Beck home (ca. 1825), the Van Dyke home (ca. 1895) and the Certain-Lacy home (ca. 1923).

About the Yeatman-Beck home:

I remember a dance Willis Harris gave when we were teenagers. A lamp got knocked off by someone leaning against an old table. Willis nonchalantly said, "Good. I never liked that lamp." A good host and the best dancer in Huntsville.

Clara Mastin Averette

Item 10 of 10 (5896)

Source: Lee Harless, Jr.
Date: 1977
Rights: Reproduced from "Twickenham Receipts and Sketches" published by the Twickenham Historic Preservation District Association, Inc., 1978, with the permission of THPDA and the artist.