Susanna Clay Withers Battle

 Niece of Governor Clay

Born:Huntsville, AL
Died:July 4, 1884, Tuscaloosa, AL
Buried:Tuscaloosa, AL


•  Susanna Clay Withers married the son of Alfred Battle, William Augustus. - Alabama Biography

•  Niece of Gov. C. Clay.

•  Married: William Augustus Battle (1823-1909) - Alabama Biography

•  One son: Alfred married Jennie Bealle and they had three children. - Alabama Biography

Related Links:

•  Alabama Biography - History of Alabama and Dictionary of Alabama Biography, Volume 3, by Thomas McAdory Owen, Marie Bankhead Owen,© 1921, p.112-3. This Alabama Biograpy entry is for Alfred Battle with information on Susanna and William.

•  Family Bible - Notes

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•  Alabama Biography