James Reynolds Cantrell

 Business Man

Born:July 25, 1925, Huntsville, AL


•  Member of First Presbyterian Church and has served on the Board of Deacons there. - Grove

•  Co-owner of Cities Service Oil Company Distributorship in Madison County, Alabama. - Grove

•  He is the son of Malcolm Matthews and Bessie Leigh (Reynolds) Cantrell, Grandson of Malcolm McCarty and Margaret (Matthews) Cantrell and, on the maternal side, of John Thomas and Ada (Wheeler) Reynolds. - Grove

•  Married: Betty Jo Reaves of Montgomery, Alabama , October 17, 1954. - Grove

•  Mr. Cantrell received his high school education at Castle Heights Military Academy and an A. B. degree from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. - Grove

•  Children : James Reynolds, Jr. - Grove

•  He was a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity, and belonged to Huntsville Kiwanis Club and was a member of their Board of Directors. He also was on the Board of Directors of Central Y.M.C. A. - Grove

•  Son of Malcolm N. and Bessie R. Cantrell

Related Links:

•  Grove - Library of Alabama Lives by Frank L. Grove, © 1961, p. 90

•  HMCPL - Huntsville Madison County Public Library Photo and Caption of Cities Service Oil Company

•  HMCPL -2 - Huntsville Madison County Public Library Photo and Caption of Cities Service Oil Company (front)