Daniel Bates Friend


Born:July 2, 1802, Kentucky
Died:June 28, 1875, Madison County, Alabama
Son of:John Friend


•  "Friend came to Madison County around 1826, when he married Maria Buchana Bentley, daughter of Efford Bentley, a veteran of the Revolutionary War. His wife, seventh in descent from Pocahontas, had a brother, Henry H. Bentley, who was killed at the Alamo. Though a planter, Friend also engaged in a cotton freighting business, known by the name of 'Friend, Johnson and Company.' Land records further reveal that he speculated in real estate." - Stubno

•  There was a plantation house known as "Flint River Place" built by Friend (probably sometime in 1844). This article is about this place. - Stubno

•  Marriage: Sept 13, 1826 in Madison County, AL. (Sometimes the marriage dates are for the marriage license, not the actual wedding.) - MCRC

•  Children: Efford, Elizabeth, Daniel, Ann, Sarah - 1870 Census

•  Middle name might be Bates - 1870 Census

Related Links:

•  1870 Census - 1870 United States Census viewed through an Ancestry.com paid subscription. (Originally found at http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?ti=0&indiv=try&db=1870usfedcen&h=11887853.)

•  MCRC - Madison County Records Center

•  Stubno - Article titled "'Flint River Place' in Antebellum Times by William J. Stubno, Jr., Huntsville Historical Review, Volume 11, #3 & #4, Jul-81, Huntsville-Madison County Historical Society, page 13.

The Following Pages Link to this Page:
•  John Friend
•  Stubno