Constable in Early HuntsvilleNotes:• Fulton was appointed as a Constable in Madison County December 24, 1812.
Record explains the role of Constable in our area:
"Following establishment of the Mississippi Territory in 1798, the Governor and Territorial Judges passed an act on April 3, 1799 establishing, in the field of law enforcement, the office of Coroner and Justices of the Peace in each County, with the Justices to appoint annually in each township one or more Constables. An act of the Mississippi Territory legislature of February 1, 1805, set out that the Governor could appoint one or two Constables in each Captains district, while an act of February 11, 1805, repealed July 20, 1805, required the Justices of the County Court to appoint two Constables in each Captains district. The law giving the Governor authority to appoint the Constables was reenacted in 1807 and the specific duties of the Constable set out.
An act of the Alabama Legislature on December 17, 1819 set the term of the Constable at three years. While the office of Constable was not mentioned in Alabama's first Constitution of 1819, it was established in the 1868 Constitution, stating that a competent number of Constables would be elected in each County. The 1867 Code of Alabama had provided for one Constable for each precinct, elected for a three year term. The 1875 and 1901 Constitutions provided that one Constable could be elected from each precinct. Act 20, 1876 stated that the Constables who were to be elected in August 1877 would hold office to August 1880 and thereafter would be elected for four years." - Record
Related Links:• Record - A Dream Come True: The Story of Madison County and Incidentally of Alabama and the United States, Volume I, by James Record, 1970, page 218.
• Valley Leaves - On the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the State of Alabama, by The Tennessee Valley Genealogical Society, Inc., 1969, 1992, pages 24, 29, 45.
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