Civic LeaderNotes:• "Chairman, Y.M.C.A., 1953-1954; Chairman, UGF, 1949; State Chairman, Alabama Cancer Society; President, Alabama Optometry Association, 1945; Member, Alabama State Board of Optometry; President, Huntsville Rotary Club, 1946; President, Chamber of Commerce, 1947; Alabama Optometrist of the Year, 1965, First Vice President, Alabama Optometric Assn., 1942-43." Alabama Optometric Assn., President 1943-44. - Record
• Huntsville Rotary Club Charter Member (May 25, 1955) and President (1945-1947). - Easterling
• Served various roles for the Community Chest including Campaign Fund Chairman and President. - Sesquicentennial
• Charter member of Huntsville Shrine Club. - Sesquicentennial
• Esteemed Leading Knight 1943-1944. - Elks
Related Links:• Easterling - 75 Years of Service: A History of The Huntsville Rotary Club, by Bill Easterling, 1992, pages 109 & 119.
• Elks - Great Elks in Madison County?? You Better Believe It!! A History of Madison County, Alabama, Elkdom, by James Record, 1972, page 57.
• Record - A Dream Come True: The Story of Madison County and Incidentally of Alabama and the United States, Volume II, by James Record, 1978, pages 286, 323, 674.
• Sesquicentennial - Commemorative Album, Celebrating our City's Sesquicentennial of Progress, Huntsville, Alabama, by James E. Taylor, General Chairman, 1955, pages v, 89, 108, 109, 198, 202, 217, 339.
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