Herbert Edward Francis, Jr.

From DavidLavery.net: Photos
 Scholar, Author, Professor at UAH, Traveler, Translator of Literature

Nickname:H. E.
Born:January 11, 1924, Briston, RI


•  "During World War II, he served in the U.S. Army Air Corps as a staff sergeant and was stationed in England, France, and Italy, which inspired his later passion for travel." - Encyclopedia of Alabama

•  "In the fall of 1966, Francis accepted a faculty and writer-in-residence position in the English Department at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH)." - Encyclopedia of Alabama

•  "H. E. Francis is the author of seven collections of stories, two novels, and over two hundred stories in American and foreign magazines. His work has frequently been anthologized, notably in the O. Henry, Best American, and Pushcart volumes. He translates selected Argentine writers and divides his time between Huntsville, Alabama, and Madrid, Spain." - Southwest Review

•  H. E. Francis was Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He has travelled three times as a Fulbright professor to Argentina. - Wikipedia

•  Books:
     The Itinerary of Beggars. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press, 1973.
     Naming Things: Stories. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1980.
     A Disturbance of Gulls and Other Stories. New York: G. Braziller, 1983.
     The Sudden Trees and Other Stories. Savannah, GA: Frederic C. Beil, 1999.
     Goya, Are You With Me Now?. Savannah, GA: Frederic C. Beil, 1999.
     The Invisible Country. Savannah, GA: Frederic C. Beil, 2003.
     I'll Never Leave You: Stories. Kansas City, MO: BkMk Press, 2004.
Translated a book titled Animal World by Antionio di Benedetto from Spanish - Wikipedia

Related Links:

•  Alabama's Literary Landscape - Bio (Originally found at http://alabamaliterarymap.lib.ua.edu/author?AuthorID=56.)

•  davidalvery.net: Photos - Photos (Originally found at http://davidlavery.net/Francis/francisphotos.html.)

•  davidalvery.net: Website - Website dedicated to HE Francis (Originally found at http://davidlavery.net/Francis/.)

•  Encyclopedia of Alabama - Bio

•  Southern Appalachian Writers Collection - Biography (Originally found at http://toto.lib.unca.edu/findingaids/mss/southern_appalachian_writers/francis_he/francis_he.htm.)

•  Southwest Review - Summarizes HE Francis's literary work. (Originally found at http://smu.edu/southwestreview/Awards10.asp.)

•  Wikipedia - He translated from Spanish to English "The Animal World" by Grandaddy

•  Wikipedia - Bio