W. C. Handy (William Christopher)

From Posters.ws
 Blues Composer and Musician

Nickname:Father of the Blues
Born:November 16, 1873, Florence, AL
Died:March 28, 1958, New York City, NY
Buried:Bronx County, NY
Associate of:William Hooper Councill


•  William Councill, President of Huntsville's A&M, invited Handy to teach music at the college. He left over disagreements in content. He disagreed with the focus on European music rather than regional American music. (1900-1902) Some of his short Bios don't even mention his time in Huntsville. - Wikipedia

•  "Originally published in 1926, this classic collection of great blues songs is arranged for piano and voice. Among the first black men to write and publish blues music, Handy did more than anyone else to make blues popular and accepted. Considered the most famous blues collection in history, it includes historical notes, tunes and arrangements, notes for each song, a bibliography, and a chart of guitar chords. Illustrated by renowned Mexican illustrator Miguel Covarrubias." - Blues: An Anthology by W.C. Handy

Related Links:

•  Amazon - Autobiography

•  AppalachianHistory.net - Article about Handy's Life

•  Biography.com - Bio

•  Blues: An Anthology by W.C. Handy

•  Encyclopedia of Alabama

•  FindaGrave - Bio and photo

•  Google Images - Possible photos of W. C. Handy

•  Honky Tonks - A one hour radio show about W.C. Handy

•  In Search of the Blues, by Marybeth Hamilton (page 25+) - Tells of Handy's first encounter with the regional music called "The Blues"

•  Jazz Biographies - Bio (Originally found at http://www.jazzbiographies.com/Biography.aspx?ID=50.)

•  last.fm: Curator - Video of Sandra Ford, Curator of the W.C. Handy Home and Museum in Florence, AL talks about the day he brought home a guitar to show his parents and their reaction.

•  last.fm: General - Several compontents to this entry

•  last.fm: Music Tracks - Listen to music tracks

•  Library of Congress - Sheet Music (Originally found at http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/aasm:@OR(@field(AUTHOR+@3(Handy,+W++C++1873+1958++))+@field(OTHER+@3(Handy,+W++C++1873+1958++))).)

•  Song Writers' Hall of Fame - Bio (Originally found at http://www.songwritershalloffame.org/exhibits/C263.)

•  The Blues as Folk Songs - Interview by Dorothy Scarborough

•  ThinkQuest - US postage stamp in his honor (Originally found at http://library.thinkquest.org/10320/Handy.htm.)

•  Timeline - Features various resources focusing on different periods of Handy's life. (Originally found at http://www.google.com/#q=W.C.+Handy&hl=en&rlz=1R2ACEW_en&prmd=ivnso&tbs=tl:1&tbo=u&ei=3YMeTt2rJIXb0QGnxLWuAw&sa=X&oi=timeline_result&ct=title&resnum=18&ved=0CI4BEOcCMBE&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=9825c82d6a298860&biw=1093&bih=755.)

•  University of North Alabama - Bio, works and archives (Originally found at http://www.una.edu/library/about/collections/handy/.)

•  W C Handy Music Festival - Official Website for W. C. Handy Music Festival

•  W. C. Handy Home, Museum & Library (Originally found at http://www.florenceal.org/Community_Arts/Art_Museums/Art_Galleries_Museums/WC_Handy/index.html.)

•  W.C. Handy: the life and times of the man who made the blues By David Robertson - The entire biography can be found as an e-book here

•  Wikipedia - Bio

•  YouTube: Daughter - W.C.'s daughter Katherine singing his song "Loveless Love" with his band in 1922.

•  YouTube: List of Videos - Possible W. C. Handy videos

•  YouTube: St. Louis Blues - St. Louis Blues by W. C. Handy

•  Posters.ws - Poster can be purchased here (Originally found at http://www.posters.ws/8957/wc_handy.)

The Following Pages Link to this Page:
•  William Hooper Councill