John Bone, Sr.

 Slave of Rev. Matthew Houston Bone


•  Bone-Wilbourn House and former plantation near Maysville on Hurricane Road. The house is on the National Register of Historic Places - Built 1825. - Huntsville Times

•  "The family took its name from one of Madison County's earliest settlers and slave owners, the Rev. Matthew Houston Bone" - Huntsville Times

•  John Bone, Sr had three sons:
- Joel, born in 1826
- Willis, born in 1874.
- John Jr. born in 1843. - Huntsville Times

•  Slave serving under Rev. Matthew Houston Bone

Related Links:

•  Facebook Page - Bone Family Reunion Facebook Page

•  Huntsville Times - Article by Yvonne T. Betowt (July 3, 2011) describes a large Bone Family reunion