Dr. William Henry Burritt

Dr. Burritt in his home, from Burritt Museum (Flickr: Home)

Born:February 17, 1869, Madison County, AL
Died:April 17, 1955
Buried:Maple Hill Cemetery, Huntsville, AL


•  A member of a Huntsville social group called the "Chimpanzee Club," formed for evenings of polite social conversation, dinner, chamber recitals, and theater productions - Appalachian History

•  Member of the Civitan Club, Kappa Sigma, Madison County Chapter of the Citizens Historical Assn., the Church of the Nativity, an Episcopal Church in Huntsville, and the Republican Party. - Appalachian History

•  "He constructed a home on Monte Sano overlooking Huntsville, and here he gathered objects of interest from all over the world. At one time the home was insulated with straw. This home, named "Round Top," was willed to the city of Huntsville with $10,000 per year to maintain it as a park and museum. It is now known as Burritt Museum." - Alabama Past Leaders

•  Donated the land to the city for Madison County Health Department offices on Eustis. Bio - Nilsson

•  Hay house burned but was replaced with thcker plaster on the inside and asbestos siding on the outside. - Nilsson

•  Dr. Burritt's family history of mental illness. - Appalachian History

Related Links:

•  About.com: Car - Dr. Burritt's car - DeSoto, © Jean Brandau. (Originally found at http://huntsville.about.com/library/weekly/aa100403a.htm.)

•  About.com: Museum - Photos of the Museum (Originally found at http://huntsville.about.com/od/attractions/ig/Burritt-on-the-Mountain/.)

•  Alabama Past Leaders - By Henry S. and Marsha Kass Marks, © 1982, p. 48

•  Appalachian History - Article titled: "Malted Milk and Madness in Huntsville" by Dave Tabler, November 1, 2011.

•  briartech.com - Maple Hill Cemetery Stroll Photo by Norm Walker.

•  Burritt on the Mountain - Article about the museum by Jean Brandau

•  Find a Grave - Page created by Lin on June 20, 2007. Photo of Dr. Burritt added by Dran.

•  Flickr: Home - Dr. Burrit at Home photo posted by OldSouthVideo on October 21, 2010.

•  Flickr: Mausoleum - Maple Hill Cemetery Stroll photo by King Kong 911 on October 17, 2010.

•  Flickr: Stroll - Maple Hill Cemetery Stroll photo my oldshouotvideo (October 19, 2010)

•  Historical Marker Database - Burritt Museum marker

•  Huntsville Times - HT photos related to Burritt. Of special interest: 55th Anniversary of the Burritt Museum (Originally found at http://topics.al.com/tag/Burritt%20Museum\%27s%2055th%20Anniversa/photos.html.)

•  Nilsson - Why Is It Named That? By Nilsson Dex, Twinbrook Communications, © 2003, p. 105

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