Werner J. A. Dahm

 Professor and Former Chief Scientist of the U.S. Air Force

Born:1957, Huntsville, Alabama
Son of:Werner K. Dahm


•  --- 1978 Bachelor of Science (BSE), Mechanical Engineering, University of Alabama in Huntsville
--- 1981 Master of Science (MS), Mechanical Engineering, University of Tennessee Space Institute
--- H26985 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Aeronautics, California Institute of Technology - University of Michigan

Related Links:

•  AIAA - Exploiting Unmanned Aricraft Systems, by Wener J. A. Dahm, April 21, 2010. (Originally found at http://www.aiaa.org/uploadedFiles/About-AIAA/Press_Room/Key_Speeches-Reports-and-Presentations/Dahm_Infotech_2010.pdf.)

•  airforce-magazine.com - Article titled "Over the Horizon" by John A. Tirpak, January 2011 detailing aspects of Dahm's report. (Originally found at http://www.airforce-magazine.com/MagazineArchive/Pages/2011/January%202011/0111horizons.aspx.)

•  Armed with Science - Video of Lecture: "Emerging Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Their Role in Future Military Operations and the Key Technologies that will Shape Their Development" (Originally found at http://science.dodlive.mil/2010/05/17/onr-distinguished-lecture-dr-werner-j-a-dahm-chief-scientist-of-the-us-air-force/.)

•  Armed With Science - Article by Ian Graham about Dahm as blogger's Roundtable (September 2010) (Originally found at http://science.dodlive.mil/2010/09/16/art-of-the-possible-air-force-technology-in-2030/.)

•  Aviation Week - Dahm's US Air Force Technology Report on Threats and Opportunities. (Originally found at http://www.aviationweek.com/media/pdf/Check6/USAF_Technology_Horizons_report.pdf.)

•  blog.mlive.com - Article by Jo Mathis of the Ann Arbor News, January 18, 2008. Werner J. A. tells of life with his father, a German Rocket Scientist, after the death of his father.

•  Flight Global - Article titled "Control science tops list of USAF science and technology priorities" by Stephen Trimble, August 5, 2010 detailing aspects of Dahm's report.

•  National Defense - Article on research: "Machines Will Boost Human Performance" Posted by Eric Beidel, Sept. 14, 2010. (Originally found at http://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/blog/lists/posts/post.aspx?ID=197.)

•  Technology Horizons - USAF Report relased to the public on July 21, 2010 (Originally found at http://www.flightglobal.com/assets/getasset.aspx?ItemID=35525.)

•  University of Michigan - Professional Bio

•  Wikipedia - Photo - Photo

•  Wikipedia - Chief - Roles and Responsibilities for the Chief Scientist of the U. S. Air Force

•  Chat - Comments when Wener Dahm released a report to the general public. (Originally found at http://www.echarcha.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35697.)

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