Anna Mae Linthicum Esslinger


Born:1912, Clifton, Tennessee
Died:Nov. 2007, Eugene, Oregon


•  Anna Mae left college to work in Huntsville, AL during the depression. Here she met and married attorney William Francis "Frank" Esslinger, Jr. on September 29, 1921. "Both were from old Southern families, and coping with the effects of the Depression... They had two daughters born in Huntsville, before Frank was sent to Miami, FL with the Office of Price Administration during World War II." - Eugene Register

•  After Anna Mae and Frank moved to Florida, Huntsville is not mentioned again in her obituary. Most of her listed accomplishments were achieved after she left Huntsville. But her story is interesting enough we decided to include her here. - Editor's Note

Related Links:

•  Eugene Register - Obituary, Nov. 12, 2007