W. O. Fox

 Opened First Motel in Huntsville


•  1941: "The first commercial motel opened in Huntsville during 1939 with W. O. Fox buying the Maple Grove Night Club property for his lodging plan. Fox later built 12 cabins around the old Chase home and called the motel, Maple Grove. The February rainfall of 12.52 inches, biggest since the 13.38 inches in 1926, as recorded by G. W. Papot, didn't faze Fox." - Record

•  1931: W. O. Fox started his Huntsville cafe - Record

•  1933: Partnered with Thomas Taylor to open the White Front Café on Washington Street. - Record

Related Links:

•  indulgy - Picture post card of Maple Grove Cottages (Originally found at http://indulgy.com/post/vyavvu8xN1/huntsvillealabamamaplegrove-motelvintage-postcar.)

•  Record - A Dream Come True: The Story of Madison County and Incidentally of Alabama and the United States, Volume II, by James Record, 1978, page 235, 236, 243.

•  Southpaw - Picture post card of Maple Grove Cottages from the Southpaw Postcard Collection.

The Following Pages Link to this Page:
•  Record
•  Southpaw