Aaron Gibson

 Early settler


•  Aaron Gibson was a sergeant in The War of 1812, 16th Regiment (Lieutenant Colonel Charles Burrus') of the Mississippi Militia. (The 16th regiment was mustered in Madison County, and it reads like a who's who of early settlers of Northern Madison County.) - HMCHS

•  "Petition to the President/Congress, 5 Sep 1810, by intruders on Chickasaw land-Elk River/Simms' Settlement area (many settled there in the winter & spring of 1807) seeking to remain on the land they s" (incomplete) - Reconstructed Records

•  First Muster Date Oct. 8, 1813 and Discharge Date Oct. 28, 1813. - Military Service Records

Related Links:

•  HMCHS - A History of Early Settlement: Madison County Before Statehood, 1808-1819, Published by HUNTSVILLE-MADISON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 2008 page 148.

•  Military Service Records - Viewed through an Ancestry.com paid subscription. (Originally found at http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?rank=1&new=1&MSAV=1&msT=1&gss=angs-g&gsfn=Aaron&gsln=Gibson&msypn__ftp=Madison+County%2c+Alabama%2c+USA&msypn=1851&msidy=1812&gskw=War+of+1812&cpxt=0&catBucket=rstp&uidh=61g&cp=0&pcat=ROOT_CATEGORY&h=1424&recoff=5+6&db=CSRVolSoldiers&indiv=1&ml_rpos=1&hovR=1.)

•  Reconstructed Records - Viewed through an Ancestry.com paid subscription (Originally found at http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=ColonialCenRecon&h=161103&indiv=try&o_vc=Record:OtherRecord&rhSource=3531.)

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