Hugh B. Gillespie, Jr.

 Redstone Arsenal Land Procurement


•  There seems to be various spellings of related people from Madison County. We have seen Gallaspie, Galasphy, Gallaspie, Gilaspie, Gillaspie, and Gillespie. Gillespie seems to be the most common. - Editor's Note

•  Hugh B. Gillespie, Jr. was in charge of land procurement for the 40,000 acres to be used as US. Government's Redstone Arsenal and Chemical War Plant. In her book, Stephens tells of the difficult task: "Many tracts had no clear title. Some families could not be found to negotiate with at all. Many others had nowhere to move and little means for removal. The Alabama Relocation Corporation was organized to assist them." - Stephens

Related Links:

•  Stephens - Historic Huntsville: A City of New Beginnings, by Elise Hopkins Stephens, 2002, page 107.