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Unknown Cemetery, 52-1 Summary Report, page 16

Selected pages of the old Madison County Land Title Abstracts are reproduced herein for reference to see the ownership transitions and the many exclusions from deeds of the land for the school and for the church. The cemetery itself was never mentioned in the exclusions, and it was not a part of the church deed or the school deed, as the cemetery size exceeds the size of those properties. Therefore, it was not simply a church cemetery, but it had to have also been a community cemetery. It was perhaps always treated informally, with permission to bury the dead just understood by residents of the community around the school and the church, without ever pursuing formal documentation of ownership. If it ever had a name during its use, the cemetery was probably called the Poplar Hill Cemetery or the Poplar Hill Church Cemetery, even though it served a community broader than the church. 16 - (2062)