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Unnamed Cemetery, 62-4 Summary Report, page 24

Old section, Madison City Cemetery, Dec. 2001. Westmoreland - Lipscomb - Cartwright area beside Mill Rd. John T. Lipscomb was bom in Virginia, the son of Richard Lipscomb, who is buried on Redstone Arsenal in the Lipscomb Cemetery, SW/4, S24-T45-R2W. Apparently, the family moved from Virginia to Madison County, AU m LRJO-I, from Hrthplaces and ages of the cHMren. Orra C. Lipscomb was Orcgon (”OrrieM) Cartwrigit , dau. of Hezekiah Bradky Cartwright and hit 2nd wife, Martha Vaughan Baiky. Hezekiah married the widow Badey after his first wife (Mar tin Gray) died ill 1850 of typhoid fever. Martha A. V. B. Cartwright is buried nearby. Hezekiah n buried in the Cartwri^t Cemeten- on Palmer Road, where his parents John & Man' Cartwright owned knd and arc beh'eved to be bUried. 24 - (2322)