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Jordans Chapel Cemetery Summary Report, page 26

28T acknowledged hwforR mu thio fifth day of Novv^r, in in. John Wither* J.q. ^i Mad lion County AlabnM Territory. P.r.wlly .pp..r.-narl.d ■ad that ha .lgnad M.l.d and d.llv.r.d th. within da.d to tha within ??" ??" 3 Rat Jordan tha dy W y."?r thoroln aipreioad nrth Nonator, alghf.n hwidrod and oightoen- John Ylthero J.Q. "?•! Th* 'erogolng wao delivered In thia of floe for registration on the 5th day of o f February 11119 eni la duly reaordid thia 19th day 1419* [mao Parker a H* TO deed Rate Jordan Thia Indenture made thia eleventh day of July o no thouo- and eight huMrad and mvantoen between I mao Parker and M. Parker hie wife, o f the on* parti and Rat Jordan of of Madieon in the Ulooioeippi Territory Witnoeooth: •hat the and Mary for and in oonelaoration of tho aim o f one hand a old dollare to then in aoknowlodgodi have mH and oir. -rtgn. forwror fd th. Mid I-M P.rk.r ?"? wry hl. -If., oor thOMl... .M.ufr. MnlnKr-tw. forav.r w.r.nt .nd will for.wr d.f.nd th. right -W tltl. to th. Mid JoM"? hl. Mir. .nd ...ign. for.v.r. .nd o fro. "?d .g.ln.t th. "?o..rn..nt .f th. Unlfd "ft., .nd .11 ~>d .mry P.r-0" "? hald1^ " ola‘B1B"? "*•' Madison County AL Deed Book E, page 237i Isaac & Mary Parker to BAT JORDAN 26 - (3180)