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Marriage, Death, and Legal Notices from Early Alabama Newspapers: 1819-1893, page 285

Died at his residence near Haysborough, Tenn, on 10th inst. the REV. THOMAS B. CRAIGHEAD, in the 71st year of his life. Died in Madison County, MRS. FRANCES JEFFRIES, consort of ----- JEFFRIES, aged 52 (note: ALEXANDER JEFFRIES). Died the 4th inst. ELIZABETH, daughter of MAJ. HENRY ADKINS of Morgan County, late of Sussex County, Virginia aged 5. Died at his residence near Maysborough, Tenn, on the 10th instant REV. THOMAS B. CRAIGHEAD in his 71st year. October 12, 1824 Died the 30th' September MRS. MARY, wife of CAPT. JOHN TATE of Limestone County. Left children. Died the 17th of September 1824, MISS NANCY CHEEK, aged 25 years. Died on 30th September MRS. MARY TATE, wife of CAPT. JOHN TATE of Limestone County Alabama.... (mentions left children) Died on Friday 17 September the worthy and much esteemed MISS NANCY CHEEK aged 25 years. October 19, 1824 Married on Uth instant by REV. DAVID THOMPSON, CAPT. JOHN F. NEWMAN to MISS ELLENER ROSE, daughter of DR. ROBT. H. ROSE, all of this county. Died on Saturday 21 August about 12 at night, MR. JOHN HATCH in the 25th year of his age. Native of Charlotte County Virginia having lost his parents at an early period of life, he resolved to tread the flowery and enameled paths of literature and after going thru an academical course in the best preparatory schools, he entered as a student at U. of N.C.... Left numerous relatives. October 26, 1824 Nothing November 2, 1824 Estate of SAMUEL GLAIZE deceased. WILLIAM JOHNSON and TIMOTHY W. McCARTY, Morgan County October 27, 1824. November 5, 1824 Died in Morgan County, Alabama on the 13th instant after a short illness, MRS. MARY P. MURPHY, aged 36 years, consort of MR. GEORGE MURPHY. Left five little children. Died 21st of August, MR. JOHN HATCHETT in Limestone County. Native of Charlotte County, Virginia. Having lost his parents in early period of his life, he emigrated to this county last spring and boarded with . a private family. He was an orator. November 9, 1824 GEORGE T. JONES, in an open letter declares that MR. HAYS made a report just before the last election for representatives, amongst his friends at Ditto's Landing to the effect that "I, as a Justice of Peace, sat on a trial between my brother, JOSEPH JONES and himself and had given judgment in favor of my brother against him on a plain note of hand, merely because the note was executed on Sunday. This report I proved to be a base falsehood in all parts.” JOSEPH JONES had agreed to sell JAMES YOUNG a steer, but testified he never got paid etc. November 16, 1824 Petition for divorce: State of Alabama, Jackson County Circuit October 1824 EDWARD MAXWELL ) vs ) Defendant is not a resident of this state SUSAN MAXWELL ) November 23, 1824 Nothing 285 - (3585)