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Cemeteries of Madison County, Vol. II, page 39

DONALDSON CEMETERY LOCATION: Section 31-1-1E. Center of the SE NE. Located on a lane leading to a home off Jimmy Fisk Road, approximately one mile east of Highway 231-431. DONALDSON - Charlotte Almadonia, Daughter of Levi & Charlotte A. Donaldson, February 9, 1839 -August 17, 1876. DONALDSON - Levi Donaldson, Pvt. Austin's Regt., S. C. Mil., War of 1812. June 3, 1874. DONALDSON - Charlotte Amonette Donaldson - Aug. 6, 1801 - Nov. 29, 1880 AMONNET - John Amonnet, Pvt. 10 Va. Regt., Rev. War. March 30, 1833. DONALDSON - Martin Luther Donaldson - Co. F., Forrest's Ala. Regt. C.S.A. (No other information) SIMMONS - Martha Ann Donaldson, wife of Peter Simmons. 1836 - 1878 VAUGHAN - Henry Cox Vaughan - Died November 29, 1876, Age 55. ) Henry C. Vaughan and ) Marthena Donaldson -M-VAUGHAN - Marthena Donaldson Vaughan - March 28, 1821 - April 19, 1881 ) March 18. 1849 (MB-4A) WHITE - Mariamna Donaldson, wife of Chilion Q. White. December 28, 1842 - Feb. 27, 1879. (Note: Mariamna Donaldson -M- Chilion White June 24, 1873 (MB-6) 1850 Census: #112 Donelson, Levi (52) S. C. Farmer - $8000 ) Levi Donaldson -m- Charlotte Chariot (48) Tenn. ) Amonette April 8, 1819. (MB-2) Morgan (22) Ala. Farmer Meed (20) Ala. Student Mary (18) Ala. Mary P. Donaldson (same ?) -m- Andrew C. McCartney Luther (16) Ala. Farmer on June 28, 1853. (MB-4A) Martha (13) Ala. Almadonia (11) Ala. Nancy ( 7) Ala. GRIFFITH CEMETERY LOCATION: Section 34-1-1E - NW NW. On Walker Lane. This cemetery has long since been destroyed. I was told by neighbors that it had been the Griffith Cemetery but they did not know who was buried there. They did say that at one time there were several stones there and one person remembered the name "Griffith" on one of the stones. This is now a cattle pasture and no stones remain. 39 - (643)