2011 Door Prizes and Donors


1.         Five Points Boutique                                  Bead Necklace & bracelet

2-4.     Zaxby’s                                                          One meal deal (3)

5.         Star Market                                                    $25 gift certificate

6-8.     Redstone Federal Credit Union                Umbrella (3)

9.         Coca Cola                                                     Coke gift basket

10.       Cunningham’s                                             Artificial flowers in hanger

11-12. Commissioner Roger Jones                      Southern Recipes Cookbook (2)

13-14.                                                                         Book, “Mr. Anderson’s Monument” by Tillman Hill (2)

15-22. Jackson Way Styling Salon                       Beauty products (8)

23-24.                                                                         Hair cut (2)

25-28.                                                                         Matrix Biolage shampoo & conditioner (4)

29.       Salon Philos (Gail Vanderwerff)               Hair cut

30.       Salon Philos (Tami Fuller)                         Hair cut

31.       Tallulah’s Salon                                           $40 gift certificate (hair cut, shampoo and style)

32-33. Dallas Mill Deli (Curtis Parkus)                 $25 gift certificate (2)

34.       Patches, Stitches (Linda Worley)              $25 gift certificate

35-36. Mullins Restaurant                                      Dinner for 2 gift certificate (2)

37.       Sew & Vac (Donna Cagle)                         Quilting Journal

38.       In Bloom                                                        Flower arrangement (to church)

29.                                                                               Decorative metal sign

40-42. James Cornelison                                       Honey by Charlie Cornelison (3)

43.       Waterworks Pools & Spa                            $25 gift certificate

44.                                                                               Book by Bill Easterling, “A Locust Leaves its Shell”

45.       Al Christopher, Inc.                                      Hand towel & hand lotion

46.       Park Supply                                                  Gift basket

47-48. Floyd Hardin                                                 Books, “Just Get on With It” and “Hack” by Billy King

49.       New Market Iron Works                               Iron door mat

50.       Betty Franklin Frasier                                  Oil painting

51.       From the Estate of Herman &                    Framed Rison letter “R”

            Leron Allen Schrimsher

