Rison-Dallas Community

Rison-Dallas Classes
1953 Pilot

Now is the Hour

Now is the Hour
When we must say goodbye.
Soon we'll be sailing
Far across the sea.
While you're away,
Oh then remember me.
When you return
You'll find
Me waiting here.

Words & Music by Maewa Kaihau, Clement Scott & Dorothy Stewart
Recorded by Bing Crosby, 1947 (#1 for 3 weeks)

Graduation time was both a happy time and a sad time. Many of us "sailed" away to different schools, different locals, and many, many different experiences. And then there were those of us who stayed in the Huntsville area for our different schools and experiences. When you return to Huntsville, it is our hope that "...you'll find 'many of us' waiting here."

As you can see, we need other pictures of graduating classes from Rison School. So far, these are the only ones that we have. This page will not be complete without your class' picture.

Before Mrs. Louise Fain, a former teacher at Rison, died this year at the age of 93, one of our Association members stayed in touch with her. Mrs. Fain was very curious about "her" Rison students so she was told about various people - some she remembered (and some she didn't!). Later, she was sent a list of the known occupations of many of the Rison students and she was asked to try to match the occupation with a student's name. Well, if she finished the little test we don't know.

We thought that you might like to see this list of occupations and maybe even take the same little test given to Mrs. Fain. If we have overlooked some occupations, please let us know and we'll add them.


  • Accountants
  • Actress
  • Aerospace Company Owners
  • Barbers
  • Bottling Company Workers
  • Building Contractors
  • Buoyancy Specialist (trained astronauts)
  • Cabinet Makers
  • City Fire Marshal
  • Contract Specialists
  • Cotton Mill Workers
  • Day Care Workers/Owners
  • Dentist
  • Domestic Workers
  • Editor/Technical Writer
  • Electricians
  • Electronics Company Owners
  • Electronics Production Workers
  • Engineers
  • Executive with Transportation Company
  • Farmers
  • Firemen
  • Floral Designers
  • Hair Stylists
  • Hair Salon Owners
  • Homemakers
  • Human Resource Specialists
  • Insurance Adjusters
  • Insurance Agents
  • Inventory Management Specialist
  • Lawn Care Business Owners
  • Lawyers
  • Librarians
  • Machinists
  • Mail Carriers
  • Masters in Clinical Psychology
  • Medical Secretary
  • Military Careerists
  • Military (Short Term)
  • Millionaires (at least 3)
  • Ministers
  • Morticians
  • Movie Projectionists
  • Nurses
  • Oil Distributor
  • Plumbers
  • Policemen
  • President of Chamber of Commerce
  • Radio Personalities
  • Restaurant Owners
  • Sports Referees
  • Secretaries
  • Songwriter (Published)
  • Sports Coaches
  • State Senator
  • Store Clerks
  • Supply Clerks
  • Teachers
  • Telephone Operators
  • TV Personalities
  • University President
  • Waiters
  • Waitresses

  • 1st Grade Class - 1933-1934
    1st Grade Class - 1933-1934
    Front row, left to right: ??, ??, Conrad Certain, Leon Ivey, ??,??,??
    Second row, left to right: ??,??,??,??, Kathleen Majors, ??,??,??,??, Ruby Harbin
    Third row, left to right: Herlan Clark, (?)Potter, ??, ?? (?)Denton, ??,??, Tommy Melton, ??, ??, ??, ??, Lillian Adcock, Gaylord Hunt
    Fourth row, left to right: ??, Leron Allen, ??,??,??, Jack Luna, ??, Ed Franklin, ??, ??, ??, Glenn Hymer,??
    Fifth row, left to right:Charles Esslinger, J.D. Pettie, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??
    Back row: Miss Ruth Esslinger, Teacher

    Rison High School Graduates

    Here's a listing of the graduates at Rison. The class sizes ranged from 3 (all female) in 1930, to 47 (23 of which were male) in 1943. Can you imagine why there were so few in 1930 and so many in 1943?

    In some cases, all those named did not, in fact, graduate as explained below.

    If we think back as to what was happening in the world during those years, we know that there was a depression in 1930 and that WWII had started in December 1941.

    In the case of the class of 1930, could it be that the families needed their male children to work during the depression?

    As for the class of 1943, according to graduates Marguerite Lockmiller Parker and Bill Rice, all of those named in that class below did not graduate - some dropped out to go to work and others either joined the military or were probably drafted. Click here to see a picture of the graduating Class of 1943.

    If there are other names that should be on this list or there are errors, please email us at: risondallas@comcast.net.

    Class of 1928 (9)
    Lucille Brazelton
    Mrs. Kenneth (Marguerite) Gunn Buford
    Laverne Ealy
    Homer Fisher
    Lillian Schrimsher McGee
    Annie Lee Byrd Owens
    William Owens
    Mrs. Susan Allen Pearson
    Bessie Berryhill Smith

    Class of 1929 (7)
    Martha Bates Baucom
    Brooks Cooley
    Annie Corder Newton
    Ethel Jacob Overton
    O.E. Richardson
    Ruth Englebert Richardson
    Charlie Frank Smith

    Class of 1930 (3)
    Elizabeth O'Neal Baucom
    Gordon Ricketts
    Edith Womack

    Class of 1931 (5)
    Billy Bates
    Woodrow Chisam
    Louise Reese Davis
    Alice Falkenberry
    Theron Fisher

    Class of 1932 (8)
    Rex Carter
    Mildred Routt Fanning
    Shirley Steger Fanning
    Georgia Lee Hooper
    James Lackey
    Arthur Steger
    Vestea Lee Renegar Summer
    Margaret Wakefield Womack

    Class of 1933 (15)
    Howard Adcock
    J.J. Berryhill
    Agnes Owens Burkett
    Dorothy Cope Butler
    Perry Chisam
    Willie Pearl Meeks Chisam
    Robert Englebert
    Mildred Curry Falkenberry
    Loquin Richardson
    Rice Schrimsher
    James Stolz
    Louis Styles
    Alice McGaha Wallace
    Roy Wallace
    Ila Counts Wilkinson

    Class of 1934 (20)
    Vera Hudgins Brocato
    Clara Mae Brazelton Brooks
    Mary Ealy Burnett
    Burton Case
    Walter Cullom
    Lois Corum
    Joy Fanning Daniel
    Vernon Davenport
    Jesse Faulkenberry
    Kitty Primm Hamilton
    Mary Worley Hatfield
    Earline Reese Hull
    Commodore Pinion
    Fred Prosser
    William W. Slayton
    Icie Renegar Snipes
    Christine Day Styles
    Otis Waddings
    Grace Holloway Walker
    Leonard Williams

    Class of 1935 (22)
    Mable Curry Arnett
    Flora Parker Ashworth
    Doris Stewart Baker
    Arnold Brown
    Myrtice Steger Brown
    Lawin Carroll
    Lockie Blount Colfield
    Vernon Davenport
    Imogene Daughton
    Roy Hale
    Wilbia Lee Starr Howard
    Elmore Hudgins
    Johnnie Cooper Lewis
    Walker O'Neal
    J.D. Primm
    Kathleen Holloway Primm
    Howard Reed
    James Routt
    Sanford Smith
    Clezelle Schrimsher Tolen
    Massey Tolen
    Joe Ward

    Class of 1936 (13)
    Viola Ellett Ashworth
    Irene Mullins Bailes
    Marion Walters Boulle
    Louise Martin Carroll
    Dorothy Berryhill Davis
    Methra Carroll Gates
    Virginia Curnutt Hudgins
    Doris Bowden Prosser
    Helen Nutley
    Mae Ricketts
    Margaret Staggs
    Clarine Staggs Smith
    Gilbert Wallace

    Class of 1937 (6)
    Buford Carroll
    Grady Cope
    Thelma Coulter Fait
    Grace Tolen Horton
    Elsie Turner Hugel
    Virginia Brazelton Penhall

    Class of 1938 (14)
    Mary Polk Bailey
    Louise Curry Cobb
    William "Buddy" Cobb
    Louella McBride Davenport
    Thelma Shirey Geagan
    J.E. Gunn, Jr.
    Clayta McBride Harrison
    Herman Hunt
    Elizabeth Primm Johnson
    Elizabth Reese Riley
    Paul Seaton
    Louise Faulkenberry Walker
    Howard Wallace
    Johnny Worley

    Class of 1939 (14)
    Herman Gentry
    Jean Walters Gentry
    Estella Cope Henley
    Margaret Taft Hudson
    Elizabeth Fanning Lee
    Thurman Lee
    Katherine Reese Murphree
    Mildred Hunt Newby
    James Reese
    Lillian McBride Samples
    Mildred Owens Seaton
    Nita Stewart Smothers
    Dr. William Earl Walker
    Mildred Cooper Winston

    Class of 1940 (20)
    Mildred Trapp Banks
    Buel Case
    J.T. Corder
    Ruth Faulkenberry Cuevas
    Frances Burgess Dickens
    Doyle Ealy
    Katherine Green Fanning
    Frank Falkenberry
    Louise Stephens Fanning
    Doris Etheridge Franko
    Harley Hope
    Albert Hudgins
    Vivian Baucom Laird
    Dorothy Edgemon Meddleton
    Dorothy Cantrell Mitchell
    Lucille Mullins
    Louise Owens Payne
    Edith Luna Thomas
    Vernon Wilkinson
    John Williams

    Class of 1941 (28)
    Leonard Adcock
    Frank Bynum, Jr.
    Floy Short Carrigan
    Buford Case
    Helen Osborne Champion
    Dudley Cope
    Lois Fitch Cox
    Wallace Collins
    Fred "Jack" Gray
    Alma Trapp Edgemon
    William Edgemon
    Glenda Jean Gibson
    Lillian Cates Keith
    James Kennemer
    Lillie Mae Hughes McKnight
    Clarence Wallace
    Iona Cope Holmes
    Alethea Lackey Kergen
    Doris Pike Layne
    Albert Mullican
    Gwendolyn Reese Patterson
    Geneva Fitch Robison
    Willard Shelton
    Edward Smith
    H.J. Smith
    Henry Shirey
    Ovaline Hughes Sullivan
    Carl Worley

    Class of 1942 (20)
    Eugene Adcock
    Dorothea Boggs Austin
    Herman Chisholm
    Mary Frances Gault Chris
    James A. Davis, Jr.
    Rosa Hill Davis
    Ophelia Lee Ealy
    Raymond Falkenberry
    Josephine Simmons Foster
    Kathleen Potter Helton
    Zena Rhodes Hendry
    Dr. Fred B. Hunt
    Mildred Headrick Patton
    Anne Royal Rieras
    H. Arthur Reese
    Lucy Short Sandberg
    Walter Slayton
    Evelyn Payne Stidger
    Geneva Cope Vassar
    Jean Schrimsher Willis

    Class of 1943 (47)
    I.D. Allen
    Frances Teeters Angus
    James Barnett
    Milton Bates
    David Baucom
    Orden Blankenship
    Edward Boone
    Bobby E. Burke
    John Burgess
    Dot Falkenberry Canale
    Roland Cantrell
    J.D. Carroll, Jr.
    Q.T. Cates
    Phillip Certain
    Roger Certain
    Juanita Corum
    Malcolm Corum
    Mattie Pearl Primm Curry
    Geneva Lee Davis
    Bessie Hunt Durham
    Alene McGinness Elledge
    Rudolph Elkins
    Wellman T. Ellett
    Corrine Fanning
    Virginia Tipton Fanning
    Lois Jones Fields
    W.A. Finley
    Lourene Patton Fleming
    Hensel Gentle
    Milton Gentry
    Louise Gray
    Billy Adcock Hess
    Cleo Byrum Hudgins
    Delia McBride Hymer
    Nannie Denton Joslin
    Lloyn Murphy
    Frances Adcock Pannel
    Marguerite Lockmiller Parker
    Carlos Patterson
    Lucy Mae Fisher Payne
    Geneva Wakefield Phillips
    William "Bill" Rice
    Mamie Lee Carroll Starr
    Juanita Swindell Troupe
    Regina Blount Wood
    Midge Reese Worley
    William Worley

    Class of 1944 (17)
    Helen Acuff
    Robert Alverson
    Violet McBride Berke
    Dot Reese Creel
    William Etheridge
    Lois Davis Gillespie
    Robert Knowles
    Howard "Chig" Lee
    Katherine Harbin Lee
    Frances Rousseau Riley
    Katherine Swaim Staggs
    L.C. Staggs
    Maurine Hayes Alverson Surrett
    Raymond Swaim
    Zettie Allen Swaim
    Robert "Luke" Tucker
    Alice Schrimsher Williams

    Class of 1945 (21)
    Calvin Benson
    Betty Boone
    Conrad Certain
    William Ealy
    Dalton "Mouse" Gaines
    Neal Greenway
    Mazola Thomas Hardin
    Lillian "Sis" Adcock Hawkins
    Gaylord Curtis Hunt
    Howard King
    Madge Lewis McNeal
    Carl Melton
    Norma Griffith Moody
    Louise Gault Owen
    Hettie Jean Cates Patton
    James Patton
    William "Red" Payne
    Lois Johnson Perkins
    J.D. Pettie
    Robert Reese
    Juanez Jones Tanner

    Class 1946 (19)
    Alline Frazier Allen
    Louise Alverson
    Roland Case
    James Herlan Clark
    Hilda Edmison Deeter
    Bettie Jane Dunham Ealy
    Ruth Atnip Falkenberry
    William E. "Ed" Franklin
    Faye Pitman Hanvey
    Edna Crowl Holman
    Glenn Hymer
    Sara Ann Certain Hymer
    Helen Ruth Case King
    Jeanette Potter
    Beulah Corum Ramsey
    Marjorie Ruth Cullom Snell
    Carl Wingo
    John Williams
    Clara Mae Jones Worley

    Class of 1947 (19)
    Eunice McNeal Campbell
    Margaret Campbell
    Annie Finley Crowl
    Zollie "Buddy" Curry, Jr.
    Gene Falkenberry
    Thurman Frasier
    Geneva Neal Harper
    L.C. Keel
    Donald Martin
    Herman McKenzie
    Melvin Neal
    Loretta Chisholm Patterson
    W. Eugene Potts
    Hazel Williams Roberts
    Herman Schrimsher
    Leron Allen Schrimsher
    C. Clifton Stewart
    Elizabeth Wilson Wilkerson
    Werden Hurd

    Class of 1948 (16)
    Thomas "Bud" Adcock
    Jo Ann Boggs
    Doris Jean Cagle
    Harry Christian
    E.N. Jean
    Juanita McElroy Jean
    Faye Johnson
    Leona Case Griffin
    Posey Luna
    J.B. McGinness
    Mildred Lee Mefford
    Bill Owens
    Charlotte Tidwell Owens
    Lorane Cowan Pinkston
    Frank Stephens

    Class of 1949 (30)
    Otha L. "Buster" Acuff
    Billy Gene Bowden
    Evelyn Payne Bridges
    Annie Sue Dunham Cabe
    Opal Philyah Camblin
    Ernest C. Crowl
    Robbie Gault
    Bill Lee
    Elizabeth Eaton Lee
    Mary Jo Gray Logan
    Al Virgil Medlen
    Peggy Baucom Moore
    James H. "Sonny" Edgemon
    Kenneth "Bobby" Edmison
    Doris Johnson Foster
    Virginia Goosby Franklin
    Mona King Frontain
    Ozell Johnson Johnson
    C.E. Morrison, Jr.
    James "Gobbie" Osborne
    John F. Owens
    Ellen Certain Parker
    Betty Jo. Schrimsher Poole
    Betty Ray Seaton Potter
    Lorene Bishop Rice
    Bill Schrimsher
    Frances Johnson Slayton
    Virginia Thomason
    Allene Vining
    Richard Eugene Worley

    Class of 1950 (21)
    Ethel McElroy Adcock
    Margie McVay Baker
    Marvin Brewer
    Edward Bridges
    Loretta Potts Eubanks
    Joe Graves
    Geneva Grayson Greenlee
    Percy Gwathney
    Barney Henson
    Norma Headrick Herndon
    Kenneth Honey
    Dorothy Tidwell Lacy
    Johnie F. Lyle
    Dot Gates Maples
    George Massey
    Bobby Gene McCulley
    Marilyn McCulley
    Doris Parsons Morris
    Ailene Cagle Pell
    Frances Gates Smith
    James E. Vann

    Class of 1951 (24)
    William Elton Adcock
    Thomas Blount
    Connie Fisher Bowden
    James Lee Brewer
    Corrine Sharp Brooks
    Joyce Olene Magness Bryant
    Charles L. Chisam
    Dewitt Fairbanks
    Fannie Mae Johnson Falkenberry
    Jimmy Falkenberry
    Ann Schrimsher Franklin
    Muriel Case Gullatt
    Edward Hutto
    Billy Gene King
    Clifton Magness
    Lillian Jones Martz
    Bud McGinness
    J.D. Mullican
    Opal Payne Parker
    Jerry Richard Potter
    Thomas Jerry Pridmore
    Lois Allen Raney
    Faye Speck Reese
    Peggy Worley Schrimsher

    The graduating class of 1928: Photograph not available.

    The graduating class of 1929: Photograph not available.

    The graduating class of 1930: Photograph not available.

    The graduating class of 1931: Photograph not available.

    The graduating class of 1932: Photograph not available.

    The graduating class of 1933: Photograph not available.

    This is a photograph of the graduating class of 1934.
    Graduating Class of 1934
    1st row, left to right: Joy Fanning (Daniel), Vera Hudgins, Vernon Davenport, Icie Renegar (Snipes), Commodore (Pont) Pinion, Grace Holloway (Walker), Burton Case, Kitty Primm
    2nd row, left to right: Mary Worley, Leonard Williams, Jesse Faulkenberry, Clara Mae Brazelton (Brooks), Walter Cullom, Otis Waddings, William Slayton, Erlene Reese, Fred Prosser, Christine Day (Styles), Lois Corum

    This is another photo of the senior class of 1934.
    Rison Senior Class 1934
    Front row, left to right:Joy Fanning, William Slayton, Kitty Primm, Otis Waddings, Mary Ealy, Leonard Williams, Mary Worley
    Middle row, left to right: Vernon Davenport, Clara Mae Brazelton, Jesse Falkenberry, Icie Renegar, Commodore (Pont) Pinion, Erlene Reese
    Back row, left to right: Christine Day, Walter Cullom, Vera Hudgins, Lois Corum, Grace Holloway, Fred Prosser

    This is a photograph of the graduating class of 1935.
    Graduating Class of 1935
    Back row, left to right: Johnnie Cooper, Myrtice Steger Brown, Imogene Daughton, Clezelle Schrimsher Tolen, Lockie Blount, Wilbia Lee Starr Howard, Kathleen Holliway Primm, Mable Sue Curry Arnett, Doris Stewart, Flora Parker
    Front row, left to right: Elmore Hudgins, Joe Ward, Roy Hale, Sanford Smith, Walker O'Neal, J.D. Primm, James Routt, Howard Reed

    Here is a photograph of the Graduating Class of 1936
    Rison Class of 1936
    Front row, left to right: Arnold Brown, Margaret Staggs, Helen Nutley, Louise Martin, Doris Bowden, Irene Mullins, Clarine Staggs
    Back row, left to right: Viola Ellett, Dorothy Berryhill, ??, Methra Carroll, Virginia Curnutt, Marion Walters, Mae Ricketts, Gilbert Wallace
    Do you know the missing name?

    This is a photograph of the Graduating Class of 1937
    Rison Class of 1937
    Left to right: Grace Tolen, ??, Buford Carroll, Grady Cope, ??, Virginia Brazelton, ??
    Do you know the missing names?

    This is a photograph of the Graduating Class of 1938
    Rison School Graduating Class of 1938
    Front row, left to right: ??, Clayta McBride, Elizabeth Primm, ??, Louise Curry, Joan Elizabeth Reese, ??, Louella McBride
    Back row, left to right: ??, John Elery Gunn, Jr., Herman Hunt, ??, Roy Wallace, ??
    Do you know the missing names?

    This is a photograph of the graduating class of 1939: Photo not available.

    This is a photograph of the Graduating Class of 1940
    Rison Graduating Class of 1940
    Front row, left to right: Louise Stephens, Katherine Green, Louise Owens Payne, Frances Burgess, Lucille Mullins, Edith Luna, Ruth Falkenberry, Vivian Baucom
    Second row, left to right: Dorothy Cantrell, J.T. Corder, Buel Case, Doyle Ealy, Frank Falkenberry, Vernon Wilkinson, Mildred Trapp Banks, Doris Etheridge
    Back row, left to right: Harley Hope, John Williams, Albert Hudgins

    This is a photograph of the graduating class of 1941: Photo not available.

    This is a photograph of the Graduating Class of 1942
    Rison Graduating Class of 1942
    Front row, left to right: Annie Royal, ??Schrimsher,??, Ophelia Lee, ??, Zena Rhodes, Mary Frances Gault, Lucy Short, Kathleen Patten, Geneva Cope
    Back row, left to right: Evelyn Payne, Jim Davis, Freddy Hunt, Arthur Reese, Walter Slaton, Gene Adcock, Herman Chisholm, Raymond Falkenberry, ??

    Class of 1942 - 25 Years Later
    Class of 1942 25th Reunion
    Class of 1942 Reunion Newspaper Text

    This is a photograph of the Graduating Class of 1943
    Graduating Class of 1943
    First row, left to right: Nannie Denton, Geneva Lee, Frances Adcock, Juanita Swindell, Delia McBride, Lourene Patton, Regina Blount
    Second row, left to right: Geneva Wakefield, Mildred Reese, Juanita Corum, Bessie Hunt, Dorothy Falkenberry, Marguerite Lockmiller, Mamie Lee Carroll, Lucy Mae Fisher
    Third row, left to right: Q.T. Cates, J. D. Carroll, William Rice, Phillip Certain, Billy Adcock Hess
    This is a photograph of the Graduating Class of 1944
    Rison Graduating Class of 1944
    Back row, left to right: Violet McBride, William Etheridge, Katherine Swaim, Dot Reese, Howard Lee, Frances Rousseau
    Front row, left to right:Helen Acuff, Lois Davis, Maurine Hayes, Zettie Allen, Katherine Harbin, Alice Schrimsher

    Here is a photograph of the Graduating Class of 1945
    Rison Class of 1945
    Front row, left to right: Norma Griffith, Lillian "Sis" Adcock, Lois Johnson, Louise Gault, Madge Lewis, Mazola Thomas
    Back row, left to right: Anna Ruth Routt, Dalton "Mouse" Gaines, James Patton, J.D. Pettie, Conrad Certain, Hettie Jean Cates

    Here is a photograph of the Graduating Class of 1946
    Rison Graduating Class of 1946
    Front Row, seated, left to right: Louise Alverson, Faye Pitman, Alline Frazier, James Herlan Clark, Sara Ann Certain, Beulah Corum, Ruth Atnip, Bettie Jane Dunham
    Back Row, standing, left to right: Hilda Edmison, Jeanette Potter, Clara Mae Jones, Carl Wingo, John Williams, Marjorie Ruth Cullom, Helen Ruth Case, Edna Crowl
    Not shown in this picture are Roland Case and Glenn Hymer who were away in military service.

    Here the Class of 1946 is at a cookout and picnic on Monte Sano Mt. shortly before graduation
    Class of 1946 Picnic
    Kneeling in front: Betty Dunham
    Second row, left to right: Claxton Warren, Louise Alverson, Hilda Edmison, Helen Ruth Case, Faye Pitman, Carl Wingo, Jeanette Potter, Marjorie Ruth Cullom, Herlan Clark, Sara Ann Certain, Ruth Atnip, Beulah Corum, James Worley, Clara Mae Jones
    Third Row, left to right: Edna Crowl, ??, ??

    And here are the cooks for the picnic
    Class of 1946 Picnic Cooks
    Left to right: Mrs. Elna Reese Cullom, Mrs. Pitman, Mrs. Wingo, Mrs. Aldie Reese Certain

    Below is another photograph from the class of 1946
    (The class in 7th grade in 1940-1941)
    Class of 1946 - In 7th Grade
    Front row, left to right: Mildred Koonce, Avis Potter, Coretha Schrimsher, Ruby Vest, Kathleen Majors, Marjorie Rousseau, Hilda Edmison, (?)Finley, Pearline Thigpen, Ruth Atnip
    Second row, left to right: ??, ??, Maureen Mullican, Louise Alverson, Helen Ruth Case, Marjorie Ruth Cullom, Sara Ann Certain, Margaret Worley, Merle Frasier, Beulah Corum, ??, ??, Katherine Roan, Jewel Payne, Estelle Pockrus, ??, Alline Frazier, ??, Ruth Curry, Hilda Edmison, Dorothy Payne, Hettie Jean Cates.??, ??
    Third row, left to right: Katherine Roan, Jewel Payne, Estelle Pockrus, ??, Alline Frazier, ??, Ruth Curry, Lera Wright, Dorothy Payne, Hettie Jean Cates.??, ??
    Fourth row, left to right: Tommy Melton, ??, Bruce ??, Chapman Rousseau, Earnest Short, Ed Franklin, ??, ??
    Fifth row, left to right: Pug Ramsey, Donald Martin, James Barrett, Ezell Hardin, T. Casey, Carl Wingo, E.N. Jean, Glenn Hymer, Buford Casey

    And here is a photograph of the class of 1946 at their 25th reunion in 1971:
    Rison Class of 1946 - 25th Reunion
    Seated, left to right: Faye Pitman Hanvey, Alline Frazier Allen, Glenn Hymer, Sara Ann Certain Hymer, Beulah Corum Ramsey, Ruth Atnip Falkenberry, Bettie Jane Dunham Ealy
    Standing, left to right: Carl Wingo, Clara Mae Jones Worley, Jeanette Potter, Roland Case, Marjorie Ruth Cullom Snell, Helen Ruth Case King, Edna Crowl Holman, John Williams

    And here is a photograph of the class of 1946 at their 48th reunion at Logan Martin Lake in 1994
    Class of 1946 at their 48th reunion at Logan Martin Lake in 1994
    Front row, left to right: Clara Mae Jones Worley, Majorie Ruth Cullom Snell, Roland Case
    Second row, left to right: Louise Alverson Warren, Sara Ann Certain Hymer, John L. Williams, Helen Ruth Case King
    Third row, left to right: Edna Crowl Holman, Bettie Jane Dunham Ealy, Glenn M. Hymer, Ruth Atnip Falkenberry
    Fourth row: Carl Wingo

    Here is a photo of six of the eight members of the graduating Class of 1946 who sponsored the 34th annual reunion on August 5, 2006, in celebration of their 60th anniversary
    1946 Class Members at 2006 Rison Reunion
    Left to right: John Williams, Glenn Hymer, Sally Certain Hymer, Helen Ruth Case , Marjorie Ruth Cullom Snell, Alline Frazier Allen

    And this photo includes the other two members of the Class of 1946 at the August 5, 2006, reunion
    1946 Class Members at 2006 Rison Reunion
    Left to right: (Alline), Faye Pitman Hanvey, Clara Mae Jones Worley

    This is a photograph of the graduating class of 1947
    Rison Class of 1947
    Front row, left to right: Geneva Neal, Margaret Campbell, Annie Finley, Hazel Williams, Thurman Frasier, Eunice McNeal, Leron Allen, Elizabeth Wilson, Loretta Chisholm
    Back row, left to right: Werden Hurd, Eugene Potts, Melvin Neal, L.C. Keel, Herman McKenzie, Gene Falkenberry, Donald Martin, Herman Schrimsher, Buddy Curry

    This is a photograph of the graduating class of 1948: Photo not available.

    This is a photograph of the graduating class of 1949
    Class of 1949
    1st row seated: Mary Jo Gray, Aline Vining, Virginia Brown, C. E. Morrison, Mona King, Doris Johnson, James Osborne
    2nd row: Peggy Baucom, Buster Acuff, Evelyn Payne, Lorene Bishop, Howard Edgemon, Frances Johnson, Opal Philyaw, Ernest Crowell
    3rd row: Ellen Certain, John Owens, Virginia Goosby, Betty Seaton, Elizabeth Eaton, Betty Schrimsher, Ozelle Johnson, Annie Sue Dunham
    4th row: Virgil Medlen, Billy Lee, Bill Schrimsher, Billy Bowden and Eugene Worley.

    Below are three more photographs from the class of 1949. Click on any of the three photographs to see a larger version.

    This first photo shows the class in the 4th Grade (1940-1941).

    Class of 1949 in 4th Grade
    Back row, left to right: Eugene Worley, Howard Culver, J.W. Cagle, James Rousseau, Goodrich Hanvey, Otis Bates, Charles Chisam, Melvin Reese Second row, left to right: Allen Rhodes, Billy Lee, Buster Acuff, ??, Howard Camel, Leon Harbin(?), ??, Billy Bowden Third row, left to right: Lois Williams, Gracie Flippo, Marilyn Adcock, Betty Ray Seaton, Colline Jones, Dora Nash, Helen Mullican, Evelyn Ricketts, Joyce Anderton, Ruth Koonce, Virginia Ricketts, Joyce Ann Primm Bottom row, left to right: Kathleen Spray, Sonny Edgemon, Roy Gray, Patricia King, (?)Gaines, Jack Luna, Billy Ray Schrimsher, Bobbie Murphy, Larry Davis, Ellen Certain, Mary Jo Gray, Sara Lee Wallace, Miss Ruby Smithey (teacher)

    This second photo is from a picnic when the class was in the 8th Grade (1944-45). The 8th grade boys were in a separate photo but Billy Bowden and Larry Davis managed to peep over at the girls (back left).
    8th Grade Picnic, 1944-45
    Sitting, left to right: Bessie Brimer, Doris Johnson, Betty Seaton, Helen Mullican, Betty Schrimsher (stooping), Evelyn Singleton (standing sideways), Ozelle Johnson, Mrs. Esther King
    Standing, left to right: Mrs. Lawler, Glenn Adair, Margaret Taylor, Elois Murphy, Virginia Goosby, Evelyn Payne, Mildred Fox, Opal Philyaw, Peggie Baucom, Robbie Gault, Patsy King, Lorene Bishop, Mona King, Ellen Certain, Annie Sue Dunham

    This next photograph is from the Rison Junior-Senior Banquet, Class of 1948, May 22, 1948.
    1947-48 Rison Junior/Senior Banquet
    Right side of left table, front to back: Miss Tate Hayden (dark dress), ??, Pud Chisam, Helen Branum, Leonard Williams, Mrs. Pearson, ??, ??, Clarence Carroll(?), end - Mrs. Steger (white dress)
    Left side of left table, front to back: Betty Schrimsher, ??, ?Reese(?), Mrs. Mellette, Miss Smithey, Bill Owens(?), Juanita McElroy, E.N. Jean, Leona Case, Harry Christian, ??, ??, ??, J.B. McGinnis(?), Doris Cagle, ??
    End table, left to right: Mona King(?), ??, Roscoe Duncan (wearing bow tie), ??, Mr. Fain, ??, ??
    Right side of right table, front to back: ??, Opal Philyaw, Evelyn Payne, Ellen Certain, Virgil Medlen, Lorene Bishop, Bill Lee, Virginia Brown(?), Bill Rice, Mary Jo Gray(?), ??, Betty Seaton, Billy Bowden, ??, ??
    Left side of right table, front to back: Peggy Baucom, Charlie McGee, Bill Schrimsher, John Owens, Sonny Edgemon, C.E. Morrison, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??
    Do you know the missing names?

    This is a photograph of the graduating class of 1950
    1950 Rison Graduating Class
    Front row, left to right: ??, Ailene Cagle, ??, Norma Headrick, Dot Gates, Dot Tidwell, Ethel McElroy, Geneva Grayson, Margie McVay, Jimmy Vann
    Back row, left to right: Barney Henson, Bobby McCulley, Ed Bridges, ??, Marvin Brewer, ??, Johnny Worley, Percy Gwathney, ??

    Do you know the missing names?

    Sadie Hawkins Day, November 1950
    (in front of school)
    Sadie Hawkins Day 1950
    Left to right: Ann Schrimsher, Jerry Potter, June Fitch

    This is a photograph of the graduating class of 1951.
    (This was the last class to graduate from Rison School. The Rison junior class of 1951 was in the first graduating class in 1952 at the new Butler High School.)
    Graduating Class of 1951
    Front row, left to right: Jerry Pridmore, Ann Schrimsher Franklin, Joyce Magness, Bud McGinnis, Fannie Mae Johnson Falkenberry,Peggy Worley, Connie Fisher, James Brewer
    Back row, left to right:Mr. Cecil Fain (Principal), Lillian Jones, Muriel Case, Lois Allen Lewis, Thomas Blount, Opal Payne, Jerry Potter (uniform underneath graduation gown; home on leave from military), Faye Speck, Corrine Sharp, Bill King, Mrs. Velma Hanvey (Teacher/Class Sponsor).
    Not shown in this picture is Charles Lloyd Chisam who was away in the Air Force in 1951, Dewitt Fairbanks who was in the Army in Korea, and Elton Adcock who was also away in the military. Although Jimmy Falkenberry was in the Air Force and was not available when this picture was made, he walked down the aisle in his uniform at the graduation exercises.

    Snapshots of seniors - 1951
    Snapshots of 1951 Seniors
    Top left: James Brewer & Thomas Blount;
    Top right: Opal Payne & Muriel Case
    Bottom left: Fannie Mae Johnson Falkenberry & Faye Speck;
    Bottom right: Billy King, Lillian Jones & James Brewer

    And here is the Class of 1951 at a 20 Year Reunion on Monte Sano Mountain in 1971
    (This reunion was held before the Rison-Dallas Association reunions began.)
    Rison Class of 1951 - 20 Year Reunion at Monte Sano
    Front row, left to right: Velma Hanvey (teacher), Charles Chisam, Corrine Sharp, Fannie Mae Johnson Falkenberry
    Back row, left to right: Ann Schrimsher Franklin, Joyce Magness Bryant, Faye Speck Reese, Opal Payne Parker

    Nicknames in the Rison-Dallas Community

    One of our friends thought that it would be fun to see how many nicknames we could remember that we heard in and around Dallas Village. Do you remember them?

    Please take a few minutes to look back and reminisce. It's just possible that you may have given a few of the nicknames to these our "unsuspecting" friends; and it could be that you might think, "Now why did I do that?" Looking back will most likely bring smiles to your faces.

    If you can recall other nicknames please tell us at risondallas@comcast.net.

    Big Ed
    Ding Dong
    Big Foots
    Little Foots
    Goochie Ball
    One Lung
    Little Pap
    Pool Room

    The 9th Grade graduating class of 1956
    (Please notice that this picture was made in the school's auditorium; also notice that the trophy case has been emptied and the trophies placed on the stage at the foot of the seated girls in the foreground. Notice too the piano in the foreground left, and how nice the curtains look. Most notable are the flags displayed in the rear, signifying that patriotism was alive and well!)
    The 9th Grade graduating class of 1956
    First row, left to right: Carolyn Corder, Joyce McGehee, Friedeke Pauli, Charlene Brooks, Martha Meeler, Wilma Perry, Bessie Faye Hunt, Linda Byrd, Helga Teschenkel, Hattie Marie Webb, Barbara Chisholm, Betty Worley, Mary Steele, Frances Gates, Linda Adcock, Juanita Luna, Suzanne Hunt

    Back row, left to right: Wilburn Lester, Jr., Doyle Thornberry, Donald Smith, Eberhard Ball, John Thomas Greer, Mary Pierce, Jimmy Hatfield, Dorothy Williamson, Eddie Myhand, Mrs. Ruth Graves (Teacher), Charles Chambers, Frankie White, Sam Chisam, Donald Parsons, Robert George Staggs, Richard Knight, Dennis Conners, Lester Gates, Kenneth Adkins

    (Click on the diploma to see a bigger version)

    And here's the 9th Grade graduating class of 1956 "At play one day"
    1956 Rison Jr High Class at Play
    Front row, left to right: Helga Tschinkle, Frankie White, Frances Gates; Joyce McGeeHee, Linda Adcock, Barbara Chisholm, Suzanne Hunt, Charlene Brooks

    Second row, left to right: Robert George Staggs, Lester Gates, Mary Steele, Carolyn Corder, Wilma Perry, Bessie Faye Hunt, Eddie Myhand, Linda Byrd, Martha Jo Meeler, Dorothy Williamson, Mary Pierce, Frederike Pauli, Juanita Luna, Betty Worley

    Back row, left to right: Wilburn Laster, Jr., Donald Smith, Kenneth Adkins (on Richard Knight’s shoulders), Eberhard Ball (on Charles Chambers’ shoulders), Doyle Throneberry (on Jimmy Hatfield’s shoulders)

    (Hattie Marie Webb took the photo.)

    Another Snapshot of Members of the Junior High Class of 1955-1956 is below:

    Richard Knight, Wilburn Laster, Jr., John Thomas Greer, Jimmy Hatfield
    Front row, left to right: Richard Knight, Wilburn Laster, Jr. with arms around John Thomas Greer
    Back row: Jimmy Hatfield

    The 1st Grade class of 1954-1955
    1st Grade Class of 1954-55
    Front row, left to right: ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, Brenda Lones
    Second row, left to right: ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, Brenda Faye Robertson
    Third row, left to right: ??, ??, ??, Alice and Aileen Carroll, Darla Gentry, ??, ??, ??, Tim Gates, ??, ??, Judy Fedrowisch
    Back: Mrs. H.C. Kennamer, teacher

    The 9th Grade graduating class of 1957
    (Please notice that this picture was made in the school's auditorium; also notice the trophy case in the foreground.)
    The 9th Grade Graduating Class of 1957
    Front row, left to right: ??, Joyce Lapier, Peggy Watson, Mary Meeler, Susie Falkenberry, Carolyn Green, Geraldine Bowling, Carol Lee, Earlene Walker
    Second row, left to right: Ann Guerin, Patricia Stephens, Cecelia Ann Seymore, Ann Key, Alene Johnson, ??, James Cornelison, Kenneth Robinson, George Towery
    Third row, left to right: Bernadette Beckman, ??, Harve Mossawir, ??, Teddy Goosby, Max Thompson, Winston Cleveland, Ernest Moyers, Randall Kerley, Billy Berry
    Fourth row, left to right: Frances Burkett, ??, Linda Gaines, Elaine Gault, Ronald Kemp, Larry Brown, Benny Fiske, Brady Ratliff, Gary Crabb
    Fifth row, left to right: George Humphrey, Jimmy Fanning, ??, Melba Michael, Gail Dodson, Linda Dunham, Donna West, ??, Randy Priddy, Roland McKenzie, Billy Wayne Williamson, ??

    Do you know the missing names?

    9th Grade graduating Class of 1952
    (First Identified as 9th Grade Graduation(?) - Year unknown)

    9th Grade Graduation - Year Unknown
    First row, seated: Sarah Boggs, Joyce Parham, Margaret Whitt, Imogene Gault, Bonnie Farrow, Brigitte Ball, Marlene Burkett, Helen Thigpen, Faye Rozell, June Mullican, Jackie Mitzner, Lorene Tielkings, Janet Bridges, (?)Pogue
    Back row, standing: Jerry Williamson, Bobby Morrison, Ray Sadler, A.E. Rozell, Jessie Luna, Ed Worley, Phillip Allen, Billy Joe Berry, Wayne Lee, Junior Luna, Bobby Schrimsher, ??, Clyde Atnip(?)
    Do you know the missing names?

    Rison-Dallas Community