Rison-Dallas Community

Rison-Dallas Donations


Fish Bowl for The Rison-Dallas Association, Inc.

At each reunion a fish bowl is available for donations. These donations pay for costs incurred for the reunion that include: supplies, printing and mailing costs, and a donation to Jackson Way Baptist Church for use of their facilities. There are also costs to maintain the Association's website.

If you are unable to attend the reunions, perhaps you'd like to make a donation to our fish bowl. Since this association is a not-for-profit corporation, you may list R-DA EIN# 51-0584274 on your check when you donate so that you will be able to get credit for the donation on your income tax return.

Please mail your check to:

Rison-Dallas Association, Inc.
c/o Sue Smith Clark
40 Belmont Place
Madison AL 35756

Thank you for your support!

Rison-Dallas Community