Did You Know? The Merrimack Mill Village Hospital and Clinic

Reprinted from the Merrimack Mill Village Newsletter - March, 2010
Did You Know? articles provided by Jim Marek.
Merrimack Mill Village Hospital and Clinic

Did you know that our Merrimack Mill Village at one time had a fully operational hospital? Known as the Merrimack Mill Village Hospital and Clinic, it stood at 337 South Broad Street on what is today an empty lot on the north side of South Broad Street. Recognizing that it was difficult to get a doctor to come out this far from Huntsville, Joe Bradley Sr. established the hospital as one of the first projects he undertook after becoming the Mill agent for the Merrimack Manufacturing Company in 1905. The hospital was built, equipped, and maintained by the Company to "raise the standard of living in our village by preventive measures". Reportedly, only those employed by the Company and their families were admitted. According to the 1923 edition of the Bradleyean (Joe Bradley School annual), a minimum charge was made for the use of the operating room and for board, but all dressings were done free of charge. Over the years, the hospital grew and eventually consisted of a first-aid room, recreation room, two hospital rooms, operating room, doctor's office, and a dental clinic. It was staffed by two trained full-time nurses and one doctor. The exact date of the hospital's closing is unknown as of this writing.

Hospital Staff - From left M.D. Anderson (Dentist), Mrs. H.R. Parker (Nurse), Mrs. H. Holmberg (Nurse), Dr. C.A. Grote (Director of Welfare)
