
Historic American Buildings Survey

The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) was a project started in 1933 to document significant houses in America. This documentation includes photographs, drawings and written descriptions. Twelve houses in Twickenham and one house in Old Town were included in this survery in the 1930s. The HABS documents for these houses are available on this website.

The houses in Twickenham include:

517 Adams Street SE
518 Adams Street SE
403 Echols Avenue SE
304 Eustis Avenue SE
513 Eustis Avenue SE
517 Franklin Street SE
558 Franklin Street SE
300 Gates Avenue SE
401 Lincoln Street SE
416 McClung Avenue SE
603 Randolph Avenue SE
300 Williams Avenue SE

The house in Old Town is 413 Holmes Avenue NE

Click here for Additional Historic American Buildings Survey Information
