Cruse Alley, Twickenham

Harvie Jones Architectural Collection

Twickenham Historic Preservation District: The First Twenty-Five Years 1972-1997, Huntsville, Alabama, History, Maps and Comparative Photographs 1972 Photographs - Carey Cooper; 1997 Photographs and Compilation - Harvie P. Jones, FAIA The Architectural Collection of Harvie P. Jones, FAIA, Dept. of Archives/Special Collections, M. Louis Salmon Library, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL.

Cruse Alley, Twickenham

By Harvie P. Jones

Looking West on Cruse Alley (Harvie Jones)

The 1861 map and 1871 view shows only two outbuildings on Cruse Alley, both long-gone. The oldest house (No. 7) on Cruse Alley was once a simple concrete block small house of perhaps 1940-50 origin, later upgraded to its present attractive Colonial Cottage design. The oldest building on Cruse Alley is probably the small board-and-batten bam (now apartment) at No. 3, that was an outbuilding for the 1836 Govemor Bibb House on Williams Avenue. Its date is unknown but is probably twentieth century.

Cruse Alley is, with the exception of the barn, a Colonial Revival street of the last third of the twentieth century. No. 1 was built in the late 1960's, No. 8 in about 1985 and No. 10 in 1994-1995.