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Maple Hill Cemetery, Phase 1, page 125

Section 13 ROW 25 LOGAN John Logan. Aug. 7, 1926 - May 23, 1967. Kathryn Logan. Aug. 12, 1929 - Jan. 27, 1971. BURRITT MASOLEUM INFORMATION (Also see page 114) There are several persons buried in this masoleum, however, only four are identified. They are: BURRITT Dr. Amatus Robbins Burritt. Born 183 3 and died 23 August 1876 of cancer. [Note: He was the father of Dr. William Henry Burritt who donated his land and home to the city of Huntsville. It is known today as Burritt Museum.] Mary King (Robinson) Burritt. Born ca 1848 and died in July 1923. [Note: She was mother of Dr. William Henry Burritt.] Pearl Budd (Johnson) Burritt. Born ca. 1875 - died July 3, 1898. [Note: She was the first of three wives of Dr. William Henry Burritt. They were married in Denver, Colorado on 16 November 1892. She was the daughter of Captain James R. Johnson and Laura B. Johnson of Cincinnati, Ohio who are buried next to the masoleum.] Dr. William Henry Burritt. Born in Huntsville, Alabama 17 February 1869 - died in 1955. FOOTNOTES HINDS Joseph Monroe Hinds served with the Union during its occupation of Madison County. After the war, he and his brother bought land and settled in Decatur. In 1872-1878 he served as Consul to Brazil and in the same capacity to Argentina. His daughter, Grace, married George Nathaniel Curzon, Viceroy of India and the First Marquis of Kedlestone, after the death of her first husband, Alfred Duggan. [Also see page 111.] 125 - (155)