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Pet Cemetery, 35-1 Summary Report, page 132

Northeast corner of Sheet 5, General Site Map, Redstone Arsenal, Madison Co. AL; Oct. 1986 There is actually very little known of this cemetery, except that it is for pets. There were old reports and articles about it in the Redstone Rocket, according to Beverly Curry. Likewise, it was reported or rumored that there were horses and an elephant buried in the cemetery, but that is not necessarily substantiated by any markers or other evidence today. Indeed, there could be some confusion about burial of the elephant with a story reported in the OLD HUNTSVILLE MAGAZINE that a circus elephant died in Huntsville many years ago and was then buried somewhere in the area. Perhaps that area was what is now Redstone Arsenal. At least the arsenal residents had a place to put their beloved pets for a time and to show their children how funerals were done for loved ones. Prepared by John P. Rankin, September 2, 2005 132 - (1792)