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Jordan - Jacobs Cemetery, 54-1 Summary Report, page 5

Jordan - Jacobs Cemetery, Redstone Arsenal, Madison Co., AL, June, 2002. EUe I ElGe I EUa Jacobs was the son of Isaac Jacobs and Ms wtfe Betty. They were marr!ed in Madison County on Dec. 23, 1878. Per the 1900 census records, Ellie Jacobs was born in March of 1884. Isaac was bom m January, 1847 and Betty was bom M June, I859. There was another Isaac Jacobs (b. Aug. 1845) in Madison Co., and it is often impossible to differentiate between the two in earKer censuses. They were cousins, part of a group orJacobs famines from SC that came whli matriarch Fanny Jacobs, b. 1778 SC. It is likely that the other Jacobs families were headed by her children: Burrell (b. 1801/1810, SC), Unity (b. 1817, SC), Thomas (b. 1801, SC), Isaac (b. 1803, SC), Oliver (b. 1808, SC), and Rebecca (b. 1807, SC). All of these families were listed as Mulatto, and they were obvious^ free, in order to be named in the census records of L850. In that yea^ the hmity headed by Mulatto "Becka" (Rebecca) Jacobs included 4 Jacobs children, including one of the two Isaacs that could be Ellie's father. Her household also included the white family of Mary E Austin (b. 1812, SC). Mary had 4 of her children with her in Rebecca's household. Judging from the ages and birthplaces of the Jacobs children, the families came to Madison County by 1822. One other likely child of Fannie's was DavM Jaco^ fisted in the 1850 census as age 43 (b. SC) but enumerated kst in the household headed by George W. Jacobs at age 25. This indicates that David was somehow incapacitated. 5 - (2092)