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Fennil / Fennell Cemetery, 56-1 Summary Report, page 11

The 1815 will (above) of the senior Isham J. Fennell names George W. and Isham Jordan Fennell (Jr.) as being among his children. He also names several slaves who were bequeathed to his wife Temperance Jordan Fennell, and he appointed “Batt” (Bartholomew) Jordan and his sons John and Henry Jordan as Executors, along with Temperance. The will as shown above is of course a transcription - a handwritten copy entered into Madison County Deed Book B, which was itself copied during the 1930s or 1940s. The actual original will is in the Probate Packet in the courthouse archives repository, but this transcription is easier to read today. The 1846 estate papers from the death of Temperance J. Fennell list her slaves and their valuation at that time for division among the heirs: 11 - (2128)