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Lipscomb Cemetery, 61-2 Summary Report, page 38

Old section, Madison City Cemetery, Dec. 2001. Westmoreland - Lipscomb - Cartwright area beside Mill Rd. John T. Lipscomb was bom in Virginia, the son of Richard Lipscomb, who is buried on Redstone Arsenal in the Lpscomb Cemetery, SW/4, S24-T4S-R2W. Apparently, the family moved from Virginia to Madison County, AU m LRJO-I, from Hrthplaces and ages of the cHMren. Orra C. Lipscomb was Oregon (”OrrieM) Cafflmdh , dau. of Hezekiah Bradley Cartwright and hit 2nd wife, Mardia Vaughan Bailey. Hezekiah married die widow Bai|ey after tas first wife GMardia Gray! dfrtl in 1850 of typhoid fever. Marita A. V. B. Cartwrigta is buried nearby. HezekLdi it buried in the Cartwrigbt CemctOT ' on Palmer Road, where Ws parents John & Man• C-artwrigta owned Lnd and arc bdieved to be buried. 38 - (2206)