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Unnamed Cemetery, 62-4 Summary Report, page 18

30 comer, on the lactam boundary enty link* to th* centre of the aeolian line, thence Tee' forty chalne, of th. ni"?o. north tronty tbr.< ohaln. u>e"? M* t forty oholno onU fifty link*, to a HU"? on th, , eight link* to a etake, Th"?ne* Beuth on ...non lino Tnonty thro* ohnlno one lo.nt; otfht link, w th. , of Melanin., Vlnoty four .oro. w>"? 50/1 no Mln"? .unntlty contain,, J col. bound,riot lut .oocrlbod. Mine .U "?h<1 tho oue precl... oono.yod to HU >H>i Torr, a. Tru.too, • ofor.o.ld by Pood froit Hl J ah H Mor<,gn .nd olfo. TO IUVM aS! 70 MOID. the above described tract or parcel of land with the tem uen:a and apperter.anaoe these nt bolOBging or ir any el eg aj retaining unto the party of tne other art, hie heirs and aaoigna forever. And the eald Both Terry, B'tinf in btr dal capacity, doth hereby oovenini for and in behalf of t'>e said A*ey| lun in cone!deration of the preBdae*. to warrant and forever defend the title tc above described end hereby granted pre=.le so unpo the eald party of the other part hli helre nd aeol-gne from and against him the eald Both Terry, and the oaid Ao>ylua. the1 ir eucoeeaore, and all and are y pereor or poreone claiming or holding undo* thee op either of then, and aleo a"?einel the lawful title, claim or deoand of eepry person ar4 of ai. rereone t^-ioeTir. XS TPSTXtOXY IWOTBny. tie Bold Beth Terry, acting in unco aetaarlbed hl* name and affixed hie oaland al co the Mo eald capacity, has b"?r"? commo oeal of eald Corper avion, called the American Aesylun, at Hartford, for th* education and lnetruotlcE of the daef ano dumb, th* day and year flrwt above written (Seal) Th* word "nine* in 20 ir.c er need Seth Terry. Cocsr. o: . before elgnint;. I The fund o* Merl'- r. Aetylux ut Hartford, for the educttlor end instruction of the I deaf and dmb. (Beal) Ltata of Connecticut. At a tteexlTt of th' Llrcctcre of the American Ae*ylu>, i.i/trifor* f* e -cn ion and Instruction of • e deaf -nd duxb dui. n-ted ah'' held • t e! r Of 1 •*, In lari fetv on the 16th de; of Bay 1846. Beth Terry Coaol falor er of the fund of thio Corp* ration, laid before th* board • heed of Bale, in fee ol^ple.nlth wurrantyof title of • oardaann Will*; lytn in Va^l con Bounty. Alabama, oxeoufd by him ae Bo-.-laal nop ,ir balalf of thio inatitut!?" ! for -.hl con*ld*"? ion q - lU^ht Thousand Dollars, to Ki oh a rd LirBcctrb, of >Ud IfadiBdi Count) dated -*j 16m. a. D. 1646., nd n knowledge before Sraetuc smith Raqr. Co"?lt elonar of Iroede for eald Clute of Alatama. Voted that eald he and the earn* la hereby ap;roved an a confirmed. e The above la a true oepj 0 Qf record. o O Attest*. Bara 11lai Atteote, arcllloi MATS or COWXXCTICO? ootnTY or kart^rd, r. Kart ford. My Vth, a, b. je<6. SHORS Be KUdeon, Clerk. Hudeon, Clerk. V ' A? hU I?? SR. IraotUB nnl th of eaid Harif"?r< ComiU Boioner. to take the "?eknow*edt ement of Deode dor the State of Alabama, thi* jgjyeonully appeared, the wiuqn na^dJJeth Terry, acknowledged that h*^ oigned.. oealed and delivered th* "? 7 •I thin Deed to the Within naaed Hl oh a rd Mpeoo*w‘ 18 - (2316)