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Simpson - Jones Cemetery, 65-3 Summary Report, page 46

 THE DESCENDANTS OF DOCTOR WILLIAM SIMPSON, compiled by Dennis William Simpson, 1993 ALBERT PROCTOR AND ZUMA SIM (3.15) Zuma Margaret Simpson, (John3 Wir Simpson and Margaret Ann Dickson. Zuma was T thc nin'h Alabama, and died of angina pectorals, July'3^ arch 13> '859, California. She was buried beside her husband at Santa Ana^ cJt h"?"?C .euxe.o'.Tgl /| c??"r J-- r C*cd 0HM piui<"?-- •full name rr*Tt o CM.uoa/riA mMKTMINT O, tlnuc *1TAL ITATUTK3 *** •TANOAMO cbatipicatw OF math rti^a M-/ q ViL 71a 1 .U child Of John at Pond Beat, *n Alhambra, Lx FCR0N AL A SO s 1 ARTIrill U&ut C*a jjsq 4.. u.... uw. d... m4 chit doth occ"?rr*i •• du 4j "Ik* Calm or Dbatm' u *'■" eiUAMVt it iiui u w kKT or y.‘ a?F^r:r??" >-------------Jfcfer UJ J t C>_* L.a - (tWUAm) MC: .f t * ■' ‘I. MXI (I) r ??" • • VtUMUIlO IlHWr" -^VTTrrfr^ this tt 8 true certified copy o< the M It bean the tell. Imprinted In purple Ink. of the Registrar Rocordor. ?"? MAY 4'W 12.00 iw koistrarrccosocx lda A//▼* rA,rA"? - 7uma MaROAROT Proctor Certificate op Death op ■■ 429 46 - (2467)