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Powhaton Toney Cemetery, 67-1 Summary Report, page 40

In February 1828 Powhaton Toney put his land in his wife's name: JTATS 0P ALABAMA madhon cowrr no "?a enon e convoy%no"? ALABAMA lOUHTlf, 1, hereby c >f February 1)23 1 fore convoyod to 1! H Lanier. to tue acknowledged before ine A LAB 3UKTY sven (11) townahip fiv"? (5; The precise reason for the transfer of land into his wife's name by Powhaton Toney is not known, but it was probably either for protection from seizure over debts or in order to avoid probate, if Powhaton expected to pass away soon. However, from other records it is known that he continued to live through 1935, when he sold land to the United States for the use of the Tennessee Valley Authority. It is also known that he did pass away by 1941, when his wife Mary was shown on a mortgage instrument as a widow. 40 - (2516)