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Austin Groves Cemetery, 67-2 Summary Report, page 2

The cemetery is large enough to hold several hundred graves, if full. There are several grave depressions, but little indication of a full graveyard. Considering the location in the “saddle” between two hills or small mountains, the site may have been associated with a settlement and / or church in the area in the distant past. Obviously, the have a cemetery of this size, the immediate area had to have enjoyed a significant population. Since the confluence of two creeks is nearby, there would have been an ample water supply to support a large community. It is even possible that the cemetery was for the early black citizens (and slaves) of the Triana area. Groves Cemetery, Redstone Arsenal TA6, Madison Co. AL, March 4, 2003 At the time that the cemetery was visited, storms had toppled some trees onto the surrounding fence. The arsenal staff periodically repairs and maintains the fence, so it has probably been repaired now. 2 - (2520)