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Austin Groves Cemetery, 67-2 Summary Report, page 30

UNION AUTHORITIES. .4 nresent Colonel Hull, Major Grosskomr „ . 787 ixstf-.....................* ir before it make application to this ofli<..1 71 s,,e"irinR o ‘ffoation of applicants for commissionsin colo^ forth ‘ IniwHl last winter nt. (Chattanooga. The nanu^ft1 trooP *•* Board and their action are but imperfectly known m', ,n<*mh‘‘n* ‘ "? e having lieen made. 1 lxdieve hoJw'er S', third New Jersey boot. Volunteers, ami "? 1'“'^ man', of an Indiana regiment, have presided over the lwj !?S lhe Imperfect reports made to me 1 have compiled a table F MEDICAL EXAMINING BOARD. A medical examining board was organized hem bv the army med-ioil director Department, of the Cumberland last fall. Upon the ftquest of Major Stearns, Surgeons Lawton and Taylor, U. 8. Volun-Farquharson, Fourth Tennessee Volunteers; .lames, Fourth Ohio Cavalry Volunteers; Assistant. Surgeons Gray ami Bodine, U. 8. Army have been connected herewith. I have upon their recommendations appointed six surgeons, seven assistant surgeons, and one or two hospital stewards. APPOINTMENTS. A full list of appointments to regiments of colored> W this office is annexed.* The total number made of all grades"? Besides these, between lifty and sixtyr rjn(o Kentucky the Adjutant-Genera! of t he Army for ftl'l*‘ , (.(>n J„ Chet-n , A number are of men deserving, ' higher rank than that originally given . remaining vnappoint“>- ...ppotafd or I-'*'1 before the There now remain hoard in this place: "?*o"?jnendeIrtmenv*" - iDfiuiti EiiAt,'S"?r f,'r'n,ng.i'ik.rv 'lKht ‘'a,,,k'wI11 ** H‘‘C" * captains for heavy art (4?nlint-s "?* in proportion. The U<' _____ <2^1 can be easily ha