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Timmons Cemetery, 89-1 Summary Report, page 138

All this information is from Ruby Finch Thompson, who wrote FINCH FAMILIES OF DIXIE. I am copying from the letter to Mother. In another letter she thanks Mother for the drawing of the cemetery. I do not know if Mother sent the only drawing she had, but it is not in her papers. I know that we took pictures, but they may be in our slides, and I will have to look them up. Mother may have sent them to someone. One page 247 in her book, FINCH FAMILIES OF DIXIE, Ruby wrote that Mother met an old man who said he was a descendant of a Timmons slave and that they held seances at the cemetery. This was made up, because it happened as I stated above. I am sending all this so that maybe it will help you with one cemetery. Ned went with us later, and we walked around the homeplace, and only a chimney remained. If you have more data, or if Ruby's is wrong, just chunk it. If you have more information and pictures, I would love to see them. E-MAIL FROM WANDA YELVERTON OF TAYLOR LAKE VILLAGE, TEXAS (September 14, 2002) I went back to double check my data and found I made a mistake on the date of Catharine Q.'s birthdate. It should have been 1808 instead of 1800. That is in keeping with the fact that she was 32 years old. She and John Timmons were married Dec. 25, 1830 - -probably in Madison Co., but Mrs. Thompson did not list where. Yes, J.H. who is buried outside is the son of Wm.Hardie. I do not know if Margaret was living with her sister, Catharine Q. and John before they died or not. Notice that Wm.Hardie was two when his mother died and five when his father died. Margaret was said to have raised him. As to the obit of Margaret, I do not know where Mrs. Thompson found it, but she mentioned it. Billie, my brother in Muscle Shoals, worked with her son {Mrs. Thompson's son}, and Billie told me some months ago that she had died. Hugh Finch, father of Catharine and Margaret was the brother of William (Billy) Finch, my ggggrandfather. Margaret was born 1800 in SC and died August 3, 1899. Mrs. Thompson said that the family was plagued with TB and she felt that the deaths of the Timmons were probably due to the same. She was not sure. I do not take too much of what she said as fact, after what she wrote about Mother and the decendant of the black slave! 138 - (3087)