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The People Who Lived on the Land that is Now Redstone Arsenal, page 32

I Ctanm frxljfdmian ' O MA l."n-. Hit”" S'________ ;?.inih,iiH-i! l Prvz+Zr; “liu'Lii B-W jharfca P. SratKlud JJ 'Mltami J.E.WH-a ■■ B W ..T. k'A barrel ElMTonA^| hrifiL. Tardy WUkv Jwoti I' II;. ijnll n rrn.Cwfcr Brc MA.CNirdi e- E-Ti . / :■. Ba y 25 CH. Ulfctn 1-M MoptaE. Jo'd-in M.U &Hr 037 B-bd Usr'ei I-ji-bim.i-, 50 -i BrjdLz^'J. JotinKTi John L Grjjraor- Zfi JE.Z'lumi n-w J W Cui^-MH B 58 mb r ■'.■ -bmt-s Mc4di>>} RJ LirwCi Cv>d ManteAiA John Vjyr- Real estate map showing Union Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Map showing landowner names created digitally for the Army by Alexander Archaeological Consultants. 32 - (4065)