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The People Who Lived on the Land that is Now Redstone Arsenal, page 40

women were members, but they knew women never went to the men's meetings. The men went to meetings once a month. They did not know about meetings or activities the women may have had. McKinley Jones recalls that the lodge went down before the land was taken over by the government. He remembers that his father went out and bought burial insurance then. He said the last member of the lodge had been buried recently (date of comment was Feb 1997). His name was Isom Collier. Jones and Robinson concurred that only one such lodge remains today. It is in Madison on Maple Street. The name given of a possible contact person was Josie Jefferson. The lodge emblem shown on Henderson Holding's cemetery marker, Inman Cemetery. Photograph by John Rankin, 2003. Ownership of the Land At the Time of Sale to the Government. McKinley Jones and Albert Robinson said Jim Holding (they pronounced the name Holdin) had owned the ground where the store was located. This was Parcel B-53 on the Army Real Estate Map. At an earlier point in the conversation, Robinson had referred to Henderson Holding as being the storeowner. This was probably because the store was “in the family.” James Holding (born February 1887) was the son of Henderson and Cassie Holding (Madison County Census of 1900), and he inherited the land from his father. The only other James Holding shown in the 1900 Census was shown in the household of Levi Holding (born in 1845) and his wife 40 - (4073)