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The People Who Lived on the Land that is Now Redstone Arsenal, page 111

Back row: Walter Freeman Chaney (Papa), Nora Louise Baker Chaney (Mama), Pearl (later married, becoming Pearl Griffin), and Merrill. Front row: Hosea and Lawrence. Taken about 1940. Description of the Houses Bernice said when she and Frank moved from “Uncle Mabren's” (Parcel A-17), they moved into the house of Frank's parents and lived with them. She said that later they moved to the tenant house. Since Bernice and Frank began to have children, the move was probably related to the need for more space. Bernice described the houses. The Tenant House: The researcher asked Bernice to draw a sketch of the house she lived in. The sketch showed the front porch facing north. The house had two rooms in the front. One was used as a living room and one as a bedroom. A third room had been added on the rear of the house at an earlier point in time. It was the kitchen. Bernice cannot remember the house having a fireplace. She remembers using a wood burning heating stove (“a wood heater”). The barn was “in back of “ the house to the west. When asked about the construction of the house, Bernice stated it was “just a wood house, built like houses were then.” The roof was tin. It had no basement or stone or brick foundation. She said they had a chicken house out back. Walter Chaney's House. The front of Walter's house faced to the east. The house had four rooms and a fireplace. The outhouse was a two-seater. It was out back, at an angle 111 - (4144)