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The People Who Lived on the Land that is Now Redstone Arsenal, page 115

My father passed away in 1972 from complications we believe of mustard gas he contacted while working on Redstone Arsenal during WWII. Long into the night for decades, he coughed, until he developed lung cancer in the bronchial tubes. WAR D&PA3TMENT Office Quarteraaster General - Construction Division Heal Estate Branch Notice of Acceptance of Option for Purchase of Data 1ft 1a %r. W. F. Chaney Eotrce f 4 Huntsville, Alabsna Dear Sir: Notice is hereby given that, on the 17th day of Seoterber______________, 1<& ; the United States of America accepted the option dated the sth day "?* , 1941j "?"?r acquisition of the tract of land situate in the County of_____lfadUm_____________ State of A1>^___________________, sore particularly described in the option. A fully executed copy of the accepted option is inclosed. For the Quarter-aster General: Very-truly yours. Chief, Heal Estate Branch Construction Division Assistant Inol, Option . The War Department sent notice of acceptance of option for the purchase to land owners. Photograph of the original document in the possession of Hosea Chaney. 115 - (4148)