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The People Who Lived on the Land that is Now Redstone Arsenal, page 227

The list below shows the names of Jacobs family members and parcel numbers of the land they owned as listed on the Army Real Estate Map at the time of the sale of the pre-arsenal land to the government. The family lineage diagram provided earlier can be consulted for the kinship ties between the property owners. This list is limited to family members whose last name is Jacobs??"relatives with last names other than Jacobs have not been identified. B-77 Walter Jacobs, ET UX. C-145 Burrell Jacobs C-147A Walter Jacobs, ET UX. C-147B Walter Jacobs, ET UX. C-147C Walter Jacobs, ET UX. D-156 James Jacobs D-168 Frank Jacobs, ET UX. D-172 Addie Jacobs, ET VIR D-179 Booker T. Jacobs D-182A Arthur Jacobs, ET UX. D-182B Arthur Jacobs, ET UX. D-182C Arthur Jacobs, ET UX. D-182D Arthur Jacobs, ET UX. D-193 Ernest Jacobs D-194 Zera Jacobs, ET VIR D-195 Frank Jacobs, ET UX. D-197 Addie Jacobs, ET VIR D-198 Zera Jacobs, ET VIR D-199 New Cedar Grove Church E-224 Frank Jacobs E-230 Frank Jacobs E-245A Frank Jacobs E-245B Cedar Grove M.E. Church F-250 Walter Jacobs Parcels of land owned by Jacobs family members at the time the land was sold to the government. Jacobs family members who had married and taken other names would not be represented here. Alva said that Zera's father, William, died at a young age. His property went to his wife, Emily. Emily kept the property and divided it between his children, thus Zera, Booker, and Addie acquired their land. Archival records show that the children of William received a bequest from George Jacobs, who died on September 12, 1906. George left his estate to be distributed among a number of heirs. Among them, he listed the children of the deceased William Jacobs, naming Ernest, Edward, Booker, Lula and Zera. William also included “heirs of Ocie Jacobs” in his bequest. They were named as Alvie (age 13) and Booker T. When the Army bought the land, Alva's mother Zera owned two parcels, D-194 and D-198. Zera's land was near Horton School. Off the northwest corner of Zera's property, Booker T. Jacobs owned parcel D-179, right across the street from Horton School, and it was on that parcel that Alva lived until he was ten years old. Addie's property bordered Zera's to the south, Frank Jacobs had a parcel running along side of theirs on the east side (D-195), Addie had a another parcel in the northeast corner of Frank's (D-197) and Zera had a small parcel out of the northwest corner of Addie's (D-198). A small piece cut out of the northeast corner that was probably originally in Parcel D-198 is shown was Parcel D-199, and is shown as New Cedar Grove Church. Alva knew the church but said that was not the name for it that he 227 - (4260)